Relations between Leninism and Stalinism
Group work. Follow the outline and get ready to discuss the relations between Leninism and Stalinism.
STALINISM Think of explanations for Stalinism; Explain how Leninism becomes one aspect of Stalinism. Define your terms explain the key features of Stalinism; Stalin’s personality; Economic necessity; Nature of the State; Russian history; Leninism. LENINISM examine Leninism in the light of Stalinism; Rule by one party; Centralized control; Central planning; Secret police; Use of terror; Collectivization; Rapid industrialization. LENINISM AS CREATION OF STALINISM Demonstrate how Stalin created Leninism; Show how Stalin used ‘Leninism’ in propaganda to justify Stalinism. CONTINUITY AND CHANGE Having already considered the similarities between Lenin and Stalin you should now look for where there is discontinuity between the two. KEY AREAS Purges; Terror; Party, bureaucracy; Cult of personality; The economy; Mass mobilization; The peasantry. DEVELOPING THE ARGUMENT Stalin the failed Bolshevik; to produce an argument of great sophistication look at changes to Stalinism over time; Stalin began to implement Bolshevik type policies but… THE ARCH CONSERVATIVE Stalin failed and his regime became more and more conservative as his regime progressed. What would Lenin have done had he lived? FINAL ASSESSMENT it depends on your view of Lenin; we cannot know what Lenin would have done; Stalin did things Lenin would have thought unthinkable, yet…; Lenin in many ways was responsible for Stalinism…; even if he would not have approved off it. CONCLUSION Stalinism shared some features of Leninism; Stalin intensified Leninist methods and went beyond them; Stalin’s ‘Great Turn’ implemented policies that ensured change was greater than continuity; As the Stalinist State became more conservative it moved further away from Lenin’s vision; So, Stalinism was built on Leninist foundations but....
Basic connectives reminder:
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Бєляєва Анастасія Вікторівна
Навчальний посібник для студентів факультету соціології та управління напряму підготовки «Політологія» освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «бакалавр»
Рецензент Я.С. Дибчинська Відповідальний за випуск С.В. Іваненко Коректор А.В. Бєляєва