1. At present there are…
2. It is very difficult…
3. The main divisions of engi-neering are…
4. So, engineers must become…
5. In designing even a simple machine…
6. Thus, any branch of engi-neering may require…
| a) more scientific and specialized.
b) the special services of specialists from various branches.
c) numerous branches of engineering.
d) complicated and specialized calculations are needed.
e) to give a satisfactory classification of these branches.
f) mechanical engineering, electrical engi-neering, civil engineering, structural engi-neering and chemical engineering.
6. Fill in the following table:
Branch of engineering
| Specialist
| Object of work
1. civil engineering
| civil engineer
| dams, tunnels, roads …
2. mechanical engineering
3. electrical engineering
4. structural engineering
5. chemical engineering
Mechanical engineering
Word list:
to recognize – визнавати
separate– окремий; самостійний
formation – утворення; створення
diversity –особливий
allied – споріднений, близький
design – проект; план; рисунок; креслення, дизайн
| construction – будівництво; будуван-ня; споруджування
operation – дія; робота; процес
research – наукове дослідження; вивчення; дослідницька робота
to depend – залежати (від - on, upon)
prime movers – первинні двигуни
Exercises to the subject: