Machine-building in Ukraine
Machine-building complex of Ukraine includes over 20 specialized branches, that is practically all branches of machine building (except watch industry). It serves the basis of heavy industry and plays the decisive role in creating material and technical basis of the economy. In modern conditions machine-building is very important in accelerating of scientific and technological progress. Machine-building provides a comprehensive mechanization and automation of the manufactory with the release of funds for various areas of labor management. Machine-building complex has more than 40% of the total industrial production capacity of Ukraine; the part of production complex in the total industrial output is 29%. This is a labor-intensive branch of industry and at the same time belongs to the metal-consuming industries. The complex includes 1668 enterprise s, 58 sectors, 1.6 million employees. The problem is in the realization of production due to its high price. The profitability of the industry is 7.2%. 116 organizations are engaged in the scientific research. The priority industries are aviation, rocket and space industry, shipbuilding, electronic, manufacturing of city vehicles, defensive area of export trends, production of grain harvester combines, energy-saving equipment. The level of development of mechanical engineering is one of the main indicators of economic and industrial development of the country. The main value of the industry is to manufacture tools: - for the industries producing manufacturing facilities (machinery, vehicles, appliances, etc.); - for the industries that produce consumer goods (machinery for farming, technological equipment for light and food industries); - consumer goods (cars, fully equipped, TVs, radios, etc.); - equipment for construction, transport, communications, trade, special equipment for non-production sphere, products for defense.