III. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the Internet? 2. What was it designed for? 3. What is packet swithing? 4. Does anybody know exactly how many people use the Internet? 6) Internet’s future The internet will be a thriving, low-cost network of billions of devices by 2020, says a major survey of leading technology thinkers. Current estimates indicate that one-sixth of the world’s population is now online. Given this level of growth, it is not beyond reality that we may see over three billion people online by 2010 - that’s nearly half of the world’s population! This anticipated growth can be attributed to two main factors - mobile technology and the increased localisation of content. Louis Nauges, president of Microcost, a French information technology firm, saw mobile devices at the forefront of the net. “Mobile internet will be dominant,” he explained. “By 2020, most mobile networks will provide one-gigabit-per-second-minimum speed, anywhere, anytime. Dominant access tools will be mobile, with powerful infrastructure characteristics. All applications will come from the net.” But not everyone felt a “networked nirvana” would be possible by 2020. By 2020 an increasing number of people will be living and working within “virtual worlds” being more productive online than offline. I. Copy the underlined words and word-combinations, translate them into Ukrainian and learn them.