B) match the following with the hints below the line.
the power to express one’s thoughts; in power; out of power; the party in power; balance of power; power politics; the Great Powers; the powers of darkness; two to the power of ten; the fourth power of ten; power user; an aircraft powered by four jets; power of attorney; speech power; spending power; purchasing power, high-powered power-station, powered speaker. 1. Merciful powers! 2. I will do all in my power. 3. It is not within my power. 4. His voice has great carrying power. 5. He is a man of considerable powers. 6. There was a power cut. 7. The machine is on full power. 8. France was at the height of her power. 9. He was at the height of his powers. 10. The task is beyond his powers. 11. This medicine has done me a power of good. 12. More power to your elbow! (coll.) 13. he is a great power for good. 14. The president has the power to dissolve parliament. 15. eight is the third power of two.
c) find the translation to the following with the help of the dictionary LINGVO (all the phrases contain power ):развивать способности, дар речи, рентабельность, выдержка, покупательная способность, электроэнергия, прекратить подачу энергии, доверенность, шнур питания, включение-выключение питания, разъём питания, потребляемая мощность, силовая цепь, распределительный щит питания, силовая установка, блок питания, экономия энергии, гидроэлектростанция, энерго- электроснабжение, разветвитель для подключения кабелей питания, выключить и сразу включить (компьютер). i.22 Do you know the difference? Translate the words below the table & put them in.
As for / especially / only / above / usually / below / underneath / for / with / as / by / of / but / about / before / therefore / to / and / differently / quite / furthermore / beyond / generally / according to / into / around / again / for instance / or / that / because / between / among Dialogue III Fill in the gaps with the words given above. - Who is the problem of word-formation very important …? - The problem of word-formation is very important for everybody, who wants to have a good command … English, especially for those who deal … some special terminology … this … that science. - What kind … elements is a word represented …? - As you remember … your school studies, a word is usually represented by the combination of three elements: prefix - root - suffix. - Is it true that there are many words … English consisting … … a root? - It is quite true that there are many words in English consisting only of a root, e.g. book, disk, cut, write, etc. - What shall we speak here …? - But we'll speak here about the words possessing the structure mentioned... Pre- means “…” and, …, a prefix is what comes … the root. … … a suffix, it is what is attached … the end … the root. Consider … an example the suffix -ment meaning “action or state”; in measurement “an action of measuring”. - Prefixes and suffixes function in the process … word-formation …, don’t they? - Yes, you are … right, they function in the process of word-formation differently. Prefixes … change the meaning of words, e.g. possible - impossible. Here prefix im- changes a word … the negative. … for suffixes, the picture is … different … they change the word … one part of speech … another. …, one … the same suffix may belong … different parts of speech. - What can prefixes be classified … …? - Prefixes might be classified according to their meaning. … all the prefixes may be subdivided … six groups. i.23 Do you know these words? Translate them… a) from English: microcircuit / microprogramming / macrocode / macrocommand / megabyte / semiconductor / semicolon / minicomputer / minifloppy / microchip / interface / primary / postgraduate / monoprocessor / binary / multiprogramming / polysemantic / refreshing / overload / supercomputer / transmit / extraordinary / illegal / irregular / noncompatible / misdirect / malfunction / disagree / subdirectory / peripheral / preprocessor / unusuable / invalid / impolite / megahertz / gigabyte / equidistant / equilateral / equilibrate. b) from Russian: полупроводник / миникомпьютер / мегагерц / гигабайт / точка с запятой / пятидюймовая дискета / микрокристалл / микросхема / микропрограммирование / макрокод / макрокоманда / мегабайт / передавать / первичный / чрезвычайный / периферийный / подкаталог / процессор предварительной обработки / равносторонний / равноотстоящий / уравновешивать / аспирант / монопроцессор / многозадачный режим / обновление / перегружать / многозначный / негодный / недействительный / невежливый / недопустимый / нерегулярный / несовместимый / поломка, авария / не согласиться / неверно направлять.