C) Fill in the gaps in the tables below (work in your exercise books).
i.10 Practise using underlined words with negative prefixes. Contradict the following statements in the same way as the example. Not all the words you need are in the table above.
1. I'm sure she's discreet. 2. It is a very efficient device. 3. I always find her responsible. 4. He seems grateful for our help. 5. It's a convincing argument. 6. That's a very relevant point. 7. The child is always obedient. 8. I'm sure they are loyal to the firm. 9. He's a tolerant person. 10. I always find him very sensitive. i.11 a) Which negative adjective fits each of the following definitions? Choose from the following roots: eatable (edible) / married / literate / partial (corruptible) / employed / replaceable; add the convenient prefix each time: un- in- il- im-: 1) … means not having a husband or wife. 2) … means impossible to eat. 3) … means unable to read or write. 4) … means not having a job. 5) … means fair in giving judgement, not favouring one side. 6) … means unable to be replaced. b) Which positive adjective fits each of the following Russian words? 1) … means “ защищающий «право на жизнь» ”. 2) … means “избыточный, излишний”. 3) … means “ проправительственный”. 4) … means “ реактивный ". 5) … means “ сверхактивный”. 6) … means “ вновь исправленный ” (adjusted). c) Translate the verbs into Russian:depart, decivilize, desilver, delocalize, decompose, denuclearize, dehydrate, demobilize, degas, deflesh, deice, deforest, decode, deplane, detrain, debus, demagnetize, degauss, deenergize, degasify, deelectrify, decontaminate. d) Express the following in one word using the prefix de- and the given root.
· to remove the frost, to remove the ice, to remove the gas, to change the nature; · to (cause to) descend from a bus, to (cause to) descend from a train, to (cause to) descend from a plane. i.12 Put in a negative verb from the list: unwrap (unfold) / disprove / disapprove / unload / unveil / unconnected / disagree to fit each of the sentences below. Use the correct form.
1. Children (and adults) love … parcels at Christmas time. 2. I almost always find that I … with his opinion. 3. I'm sure he's lying but it's going to be hard to … his story. 4. After a brief speech the Queen … the new statue. 5. It took the removal men an hour to … our things from the van. 6. His phone was … because he didn't pay his last bill. 7. Their project was … by the jury. i.13 construct words or phrases to replace the underlined words.
1. The BBC tries to avoid pronouncing foreign words incorrectly. 2. Most people say they have to work too hard but are paid too little. 3. He dated his cheque with a date that was later than the real date. 4. She’s still on good terms with the man whoused to be her husband. 5. He made so many mistakes in the letter that he had to write it again. 6. If your computer functions badly, call the specialist. 7. Those who graduated from our University may continue their studies. 8. You dialed the number, but there was no answer, so you should dial it once again later. 9. The society doesn’t approve his behaviour. His behaviour is …. 10. Plastics are relatively new materials protecting from escape of heat or electricity. 11. The importance of microcomputers for modern science cannot be estimated too little. 12. The method proved not to be efficient. 13. Heat the magnet, please to deprive it of magnetism! 14. Removethe energy of the circuit, please. i.14 a) Give the reverse meaning of the verbs below using the prefix dis-. Translate the words. to obey, to place, to prove, to please, to engage, to join, to connect, to count, to charge b) Express the following in one word using the prefix dis-: not to agree, not to allow, not to approve,not advantage,not to like; to deprive of arm, to deprive of colour, to deprive of comfort,to deprive of place; to cease to continue, to cease to use, to cease to credit; to show on screen – to - play, to pay – to - burse,to unload – to -charge. i.15 a) Translate the following using the given roots & the prefix dis-: a) приводить в беспорядок (order), b) не удовлетворять (satisfy), c) не обращать внимания (regard), d) выводить на экран монитора (play), e) переставлять (place), f) увольнять (charge), g) не соглашаться (agree). b) Match & state what Russian prefixes correspond to the prefix dis -: разочаровывать, разоружать, разряжать, обесчестить, обескуражить, извергнуть, обеззараживать, дезорганизовывать, выводить, дезориентировать // to disorient(ate), to disorganize, to disinfect, to display, to disgorge, to discourage, to dishonour, to discharge, to disarm, to disappoint.
1peripheral - Any hardware device connected to a computer, such as a monitor, keyboard, printer, plotter, disk or tape drive, graphics tablet, scanner, joy stick, paddle and mouse.
i.16 Add the proper prefix to each word: со-/a(b)-/un-/de-/in(m/l/r)-/non-/ counter-/super-/dis-/mis-/mal- & translate them: advantage, measurable, resistor, magnetize, dependence, axial, operate, conductor, conductor, energize, operate, complete, stability, balance, literate, reparable, programmable, alcoholic, periodic, normal, body, intelligence, calculate, function, adjusted. i.17. Answer the following questions. All the answers are in the list below: microwave / multi-national / postgraduate / subway / post-war/ underground / semicircle / ex-president / on auto-pilot / semicolon / antibiotic. 1. What kind of oven cooks things particularly fast? 2. What kind of drug can help somebody with an infection? 3. What kind of company has branches in many countries? 4. How does a passenger aeroplane normally fly? 5. What is a student who is studying for a second degree? 6. What means 'underground railway' in the US and 'underground passage' in the UK? 7. How do they call a former president? 8. What is the period of after war time is called? 9. What shape is half a circle? 10. What is this punctuation mark “;” called?