B) Match the following with the hints below the line.
fall term / bold term / clear term / to set terms / familiar terms / even terms / familiar terms / stand upon terms. 1. he thinks of everything in terms of money. 2. will you accept my terms? 3. What are their terms of surrender? 4. they came to terms. 6. what are your terms? 7. they met on equal terms. 8. we are on the best of terms. 9. I kept on good terms with him. 10. they are not on speaking terms. 11. She described him in glowing terms. 12. They acceded to all his terms. 13. Such muscles are termed rotators. 14. London is termed big smoke and New york is termed Big Apple.
Word power Own собственный; to vary расходиться (во вкусах, мнениях); to spare уделять (несколько минут); to clarify вносить ясность; extremely чрезвычайно; крайне, очень; a curriculum учебный план; программа; to solve решать; разрешать проблему; ordinary обыкновенный, обычный; appropriate подходящий, соответствующий; elementary первичный; inexperienced неопытный; skilled опытный, квалифицированный; one's own opinion чье-то особое мнение; extremely difficult чрезвычайно трудно; a skilled user квалифицированный пользователь; significant knowledge существенные знания; summary knowledge общий объем знаний; elementary knowledge начальные знания; in accordance with в соответствии с этим; at least по крайней мере; on evidence при наличии доказательств; inexperienced in computing неопытный в компьютерном деле; the whole picture цельная картина; active experience действительный опыт; main points главные моменты; appropriate points соответствующие пункты; teachers of Computer Science to be будущие преподаватели информатики; I'm satisfied with it Я удовлетворен этим; somewhat что-то, кое-что.
Dialogue II How Much an Educated Person Should Know Read the conversation in which Peter, the student of a Russian University, talks about the problem of ‘an educated person’ to Professor Walton from the USA. Peter: Mr. Walton, some days ago we had a discussion in our group on how much an educated person should know about computers. Everybody of us has his own view on the problem and these opinions vary greatly. Could you spare a few minutes to help us clarify the things? What do you, Americans, think of it? Pr. Walton: I don't think it's easy to say something definite here, I am afraid. The problem's extremely difficult. People always try to solve it. To say something definite, we are to decide, first of all, who we are speaking about - experts, skilled users, or all the other ordinary people inexperienced in Computing. Be sure, it's simply impossible to give the whole picture. P: Isuppose so too. As for us, teachers of Computer Science to be, the problem is somewhat settled. We've got the curriculum and we are taught in accordance with it. I mean here an ordinary educated man, not professional or expert. W: OK. That's a good point. I've got to know the system of education in your University and I'm satisfied with it. But as for the theme of our talk, first of all, we must decide what the notion ‘ an educated person ’ means. In the United States of America an educated person of 200 years ago knew nothing about computers. Furthermore, he or she didn't need to know anything about science either. P: Exactly. Quite the same things we had here, in Russia. But to my mind, an educated person today needs, at least, some significant knowledge about computers. W: Very clever. I quite agree with you. You know, some years ago we had such a discussion in America. Just now I don't remember the exact definitions of an educated person, which were formulated then, I’m afraid. P: I see. But will you be so kind as to give us some appropriate points of it? W: Good. Let me see. An educated person must be able, first of all, to read, write, and do arithmetic. Then, he or she also must have a basic knowledge of the history and geography of the world and man, then understand the scientific method and possess an elementary knowledge of mathematics and logic and know how to use them. Next, he or she should know at least one foreign language well enough to be able to speak and write what he means. P: Is that all? W: Surely. One more point. An educated person must be able to know how to learn and enjoy learning. He or she should never forget that his views and opinions may be wrong and be ready to change them on evidence. P: and what about the knowledge of computers, I wonder? Can you add any definite points, formulated on the basis of this discussion concerning computers? W: Yes, certainly. According to these definitions an ordinary educated person must possess an elementary knowledge of computers and programming and some active experience with a whole computer is highly desirable for him or her. The summary knowledge that an educated person should have about computers could be put down on ten sheets of paper in about 3.000 words. These are the main points. P: Thank you very much for this very interesting and useful information.
Discussion What the notion ‘educated Person’ means