Студопедия — Find the answers to the questions below in text 2C.
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Find the answers to the questions below in text 2C.

1. What do we use tools for? 2. What is technology? 3. Our ape-like ancestors were already putting technology to use, weren’t they? 4. Why did these creatures evolve into human beings? 5. What count for more in a tool-using society: manual dexterity and intelligence or brute strength? 6. Who inherited the earth: the clever or the strong? 7. What most of the tools have aided: our bodies or our minds? 8. When did we develop tools to aid our minds? 9. What device were mechanical calculators re­placed by in recent times? 10. What is main difference between the tools of communication and the computers / calculators (the so-called mind tools)? 11. What devices are may be called the more important forerunners of the computer? 12. What is the Latin word for pebble, from which we get the words abacus and calculate? 13. What people contributed to the development of mechanical calculators? 14. What were the calculators Pascal and Leibniz built? Why? 15. What were most information processing machines designed to do until modern times? 16. What was Jacquard's automated loom de­signed for? 17. When did Jacquard looms come into widespread use? 18. What is it the ancestor of?

2.16 Match the beginnings & the endings.

1. Tools are any objects that …

2. When you use a screwdriver, a hammer, or an axe…

3. We tend to think of technology as …

4. But the reverse is…

5. The abacus is the counting frame…

6. Early versions of the abacus consisted of …

7. Calculators more sophisticated …

8. Blaise Pascal & Wilhelm von Leib­niz...

9. The mechanical technology of the time was…

10. The Latin word for pebble is…

11. Mechanical calculators …

12. The widespread use of machines for information processing is …

· a board with grooves in which pebbles could slide.

· a human invention.

· closer to the truth.

· a modern development.

· whose use persisted into modern times in the Orient.

· you are using technology.

· we use to help us do our work.

· calculus, from which we get the words abacus and calculate.

· than the abacus began to appear.

· usually are singled out as pioneers.

· not capable of manufacturing the parts with sufficient precision.

· were re­placed by electronic calculators in recent times.

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