Read the article below, make a list of key words.
(1) When was the automatic computer invented? In the 1930s or the 1940s? If you think that, you are only off by a hundred years. A computer that was completely modern in conception was designed in the 1830s. But, as with the calculators of Pascal and Leibniz, the mechanical technology of the time was not prepared to realize the conception. (2) Charles BabbageThe inventor of that nineteenth-century computer was a figure far more common in fiction than in real life - an eccentric mathematician. Most mathematicians live personal lives not too much different from anyone else's. They just happen to do mathematics instead of driving trucks or running stores or filling teeth. But Charles Babbage was the exception. (3) Or consider this. Babbage took issue with Tennyson's poem "Vision of Sin," which contains this couplet: Every minute dies a man, Every minute one is born. Babbage pointed out (correctly) that if this were true, the population of the earth would remain constant. In a letter to the poet, Babbage suggested a revision: Every moment dies a man, And one and a sixteenth is born (1 1/16). Babbage emphasized that one and a sixteenth was not exact, but he thought that it would be "good enough for poetry". (4) Yet, despite his eccentricities, Babbage was a genius. He was a prolific inventor, whose inventions include the ophthalmoscope for examining the retina of the eye, the skeleton key, the locomotive "cow catcher," and the speedometer. He also pioneered operations research, the science of how to carry out business and industrial operations as efficiently as possible. (5) Babbage was a fellow of the Royal Society and held the chair of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University (the same chair once held by Isaac Newton, the most famous British scientist). (6) The Difference Engine The mathematical tables of the nineteenth century were full of mistakes. Even when the tables had been calculated correctly, printers' errors introduced many mistakes. And since people who published new tables often copied from existing ones, the same errors cropped up in table after table. (7) According to one story, Babbage was lamenting about the errors in some tables to his friend Herschel, a noted astronomer. "I wish to God these calculations had been executed by steam." Babbage said. "It is quite possible," Herschel responded. (8) At that time, steam was a new and largely unexplored source of energy. Just as we might wonder today whether or not something could be done by electricity, in the early nineteenth century it was natural to wonder whether or not it could be done by steam. (9) Babbage set out to build a machine that not only would calculate the entries in the tables but would print them automatically as well He called this machine the Difference Engine, since it worked by solving what mathematicians call " difference equations ". Nevertheless, the name is misleading, since the machine constructed tables by means of repeated additions, not subtractions. (10) The word engine, by the way, comes from the same root as ingenious. Originally it referred to a clever invention. Only later did it come to mean a source of power. (11) In 1823, Babbage obtained a government grant to build the Difference Engine. He ran into difficulties, however, and eventually abandoned the project. In 1854, a Swedish printer built a working Difference Engine based on Babbage's ideas. (12) The Analytical Engine One of Babbage's reasons for abandoning the Difference Engine was that he had been struck by a much better idea. Inspired by Jacquard's punched-card-controlled loom, Babbage wanted to build a punched-card-controlled calculator. Babbage called his proposed automatic calculator the Analytical Engine. (13) The Difference Engine could only compute tables (and only those tables that could be computed by successive additions). But the Analytical Engine could carry out any calculation, just as Jacquard's loom could weave any pattern. All one had to do was to punch the cards with the instructions for the desired calculation. If the Analytical Engine had been completed, it would have been a nineteenth-century computer. (14) But, alas, the Analytical Engine was not completed. The government had already sunk thousands of pounds into the Difference Engine and received nothing in return. It had no intention of repeating its mistake. Nor did Babbage's eccentricities and abrasive 'personality help his cause any. (I5) The government may have been right. Even if it had financed the new invention, it might well have gotten nothing in return. For, as usual, the idea was far ahead of what the existing mechanical technology could build. (16) This was particularly true since Babbage's design was grandiose. For instance, he planned for his machine to do calculations with fifty-digit accuracy. This is far greater than the accuracy found in most modern computers and far more than is needed for most calculations. (17) Also, Babbage kept changing his plans in the middle of his projects so that all the work had to be started anew. Although Babbage had founded operations research, he had trouble planning the development of his own inventions. (18) Babbage's contemporaries would have considered him more successful had he stuck to his original plan and constructed the Difference Engine. But then he would only have earned a footnote in history. It is for the Analytical Engine he never completed that we honor him as " father of the computer ". (19) Lady Lovelace Even though the Analytical Engine was never completed, a demonstration program for it was written. The author of that program has the honor of being the world's first computer programmer. Her name was Augusta Ada Byron, later Countess of Lovelace, the only legitimate daughter of the poet, Lord Byron. (20) Ada was a liberated woman at a time when this was hardly fashionable. Not only did she have the usual accomplishments in language and music, she was also an excellent mathematician. The latter was most unusual for a young lady in the nineteenth century. She was also fond of horse racing, which was even more unusual. (21) Ada's mathematical abilities became apparent when she was only fifteen. She studied mathematics with one of the most well known mathematicians of her time, Augustus de Morgan. At about the time she was studying under de Morgan, she became interested in Babbage's Analytical Engine. (22) In 1842, Lady Lovelace discovered a paper on the Analytical Engine that had been written in French by an Italian engineer. She resolved to translate the paper into English. At Babbage's suggestion, she added her own notes, which turned out to be twice as long as the paper itself. Much of what we know today about the Analytical Engine comes from Lady Lovelace's notes. (23) To demonstrate how the Analytical Engine would work, Lady Lovelace included in her notes a program for calculating a certain series of numbers that is of interest to mathematicians. This was the world's first computer program. "We may say more aptly, Lady Lovelace wrote, " that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves ". Most aptly said indeed! 2.19 Find in Text 2C the English equivalents to:гораздо привычнее; эксцентричный математик; подчеркнуть (усилить); достаточно хороший; несмотря на; плодовитый изобретатель; отмычка; член королевского общества; сокрушаться об ошибках; в начале XIX века; выполнять при помощи пара; гений; изобретательный; столкнуться с трудностями; забросить проект; далеко впереди; начать сначала; по предположению; в два раза длиннее; удачно сказано! 2.20 Answer the following questions & add your own to make a dialogue according to the text read.