Article 60. Establishing Punishment in Case of Cumulation of Sentences
1. If a convict, after the passing of a sentence, but prior to full serving of punishment, committed another crime, a court shall add, fully or partially, an unserved time of punishment for the previous crime to punishment established for the last crime.
2. The final punishment in case of the cumulation of sentences, if it is not associated with deprivation of freedom, may not exceed the maximum term or amount stipulated for a given type of punishment in the General Part of the present Code.
3. The final punishment in case of the cumulation of sentences in the form of deprivation of freedom may not exceed twenty-five years. If cumulation of sentences includes a sentence by which a given person is found guilty in the commission of at least one crime indicated in the forth part of Article 58 of the present Code, then the final punishment for a cumulation of sentences in the form of deprivation of freedom may not exceed thirty years.
4. The final punishment in case of a cumulation of sentences must be greater than both the punishment established for a newly committed crime, and an unserved part of the punishment for a previous court's sentence.
5. When establishing punishment in a cumulation of sentences, the adding of additional types of punishments shall be carried out in accordance with the rules stipulated by Article 58 of the present Code.