The unipolar touch to doublewire network, isolated from the earth
Concerning a wire 1 in a two-wire network, the person affects switched on in parallel resistance of isolation r1 this wire and is consecutive with resistance of isolation г2 of the wire 2. The value of current which can flow through his body as it is clear from fig. 26 is determined basically by resistance of isolation г2. At equality of resistance of isolation гиз=г1=г2 the formula for force of the current proceeding through the person, looks like
The value of current is determined by resistance of isolation of a network. The person is a floor protection of resistance of isolation. The value of resistance of isolation of wires of a network concerning the ground should be not less than 0,5 МОм. In this situation of the person protects also resistance of footwear which can be depending on its status from 0 up to 100 and more whom, and resistance of a floor (800 Ohm an earthen dry floor and up to 10 МОм a dry wooden floor).