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First aid during lesion by electric current

In case of accidents, called by defeats by an electric current, it is necessary to release a current injured of action and to render him the first (pre-medical) help.

As the outcome of defeat depends on duration of influence of a current on the person the fastest clearing of a current injured of action is a paramount problem. For this purpose with the help of the switch, a knife switch or other switching off device it is necessary to disconnect quickly that part of electroinstallation which the victim concerns. At impossibility of fast disconnect of electroinstallation it is necessary to separate injured from current carrying parts which he concerns.

In electroinstallations by a voltage up to 400 В the victim it is possible to delay from a current carrying part, having undertaken for its clothes if she dry and lags behind its body. Using a dry stick or a board it is possible to cast away a wire from the victim. It is possible to isolate hands, dress dielectric gloves or having wound their dry fabric. In some cases it is possible to have a snack wires the tool with isolated handles or to chop their axe with the wooden handle.

In installations by a voltage more than 400 B branch of the victim it is necessary to carry out a bar, preliminary dress dielectric gloves and bots.

Measures of the first pre-medical aid injured from an electric current depend on its status after its clearing of a current.

If the victim in consciousness, but before is able to a faint or was in a unconsciousness, but with the saved steady breath and pulse he should be laid conveniently on a laying, to unbutton clothes and a belt, to provide inflow of fresh air and full rest before arrival of the doctor which should be called immediately. It is impossible to allow injured to move and furthermore to continue job even if he feels well and has no seen damages as negative influence of an electric current on the person can have an effect not at once, and after a while - in some minutes, hours and even days.

If the victim breathes badly: seldom, convulsively, as though with crying - or if breath of the victim gradually worsens while heart continues to work normally, it is necessary to do artificial breath.

At absence of attributes of a life i.e. when the victim does not have breath, palpitation and pulse, and painful irritations do not cause any reactions, pupils of eyes are expanded and do not react to light, it is necessary to count the victim in a status of clinical death. It is necessary to start his revival, i.e. artificial breath and massage of heart by which it is necessary to do before arrival of the doctor immediately.

Many cases of revival of people struck with a current after 3-4 hours (on occassion - after 10 hours) with the help correctly carried out artificial breath and massage of heart are known.

Artificial breath and external massage of heart should be made before renewal of steady independent breath and the beginning of job of heart. Restoration of activity of heart of the victim specifies occurrence in him of regular pulse. For check of pulse interrupt massage for 2-3 seconds. After occurrence of attributes of revival artificial breath and external massage of heart should be continued during 5-10 mines.




1. Explain influence of an electric current on an organism of the person.

2. Name threshold values of electric current.

3. What can protect the person at a bipolar touch to current-carrying wires?

4. What can protect the person at a unipolar touch to current-carrying wires in a three-phase network with an isolated midpoint conductor?

5. What can protect the person at a unipolar touch to current-carrying wires in a three-phase network with an earthed midpoint conductor?




Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 463. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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