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Holidays in Great Britain

1) bank holidays; 2) Christmas; 3) public holidays; 4); 5) for charities; 6) 7) decorate their trees; 8) fill them; 9) Christmas pudding; 10) hang stockings; 11) a big Christmas tree;12) carols; 13) in the boxes; 14) to visit friends and relatives; 15) send Valentine cards; 16) witches and ghosts; 17) Halloween; 18) First Footing; 19) dark-haired; 20) a piece of coal; 21) love and affection; 22) those they love; 23) symbols of love.

There are fewer … in Great Britain than in other European countries. They are: Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter, May Day, Spring Bank holiday and Summer Bank holidays. Public holidays in Britain are called…, because the banks as well as most of the offices and shops are closed.

The most favourite holiday is …. Every year the people of Norway presents the city of London … and it stands in the Trafalgar Square. Before Christmas, group of singers go from house to house. They collect money … and sing…, traditional Christmas songs. Many churches hold the service on the Sunday before Christmas.

The fun starts at night before, on the 24th of December. Traditionally this is the day when people…. Children … at their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney at night and … with toys and sweets. Christmas is a family holiday. All the family usually meet at the big Christmas dinner of roasted turkey and…. And everyone gives and receives presents.

The 26th of December, Boxing Day, is an extra holiday after Christmas. It’s the time…. On this day postmen receive their presents….

New Year’s Day is less favourite in Britain than Christmas. But in Scotland New Year’s Eve is the biggest festival of the year. There are some traditions on New Year’s Day. One of them is the old.... The first man who comes into the house must be a healthy, young, handsome and... boy. He brings bread,... and a coin.

All people like to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February. This is the holiday of.... People send Valentine cards and presents to...: their husbands, wives or boyfriends and girlfriends. Valentine cards are decorated with... – red hearts and roses, ribbons and laces.

On the 31-st of October the British celebrate … and you can expect to meet … that night. Halloween is an old word for “Hallows Evenings”, the night before “All Hallows”.


Exercise 3. Write the dates:

New Year’s Day – ____________

Christmas – ____________

Halloween– __________

The Bank Day–__________

The Valentine’s Day–__________

The Boxing Day – ___________

Exercise 4. Sort these holidays into the table according to the countries they are celebrated in. Learn the following words and word combinations:

Ukraine Great Britain United States of America


1. St.Valentine Day; 8. Christmas;

2. Thanksgiving Day; 9. Women’s Day;

3. Columbus Day; 10. Memorial Day;

4. Victory Day; 11. Martin Luther King’s Day

5. Guy Fawkes Day; 12. Independence Day

6. Easter; 13. Halloween;

7. Mother’s Day 14. Veterans’ Day.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions:


1. What British holidays do you know?

2. What British holiday do you like most of all?

3. How do the British celebrate the New Year?

4. When do they celebrate Christmas, the New Year’s Day,

St. Valentine’s Day?

5. How do the British celebrate Christmas?

6. How do the British celebrate St. Valentine’s Day?

7. Do you celebrate St. Valentine’s Day? How? Do you like

to give or receive presents?

8. How do the British celebrate Halloween?

9. Do you like to celebrate Halloween?

10. What kind of holidays do British like to celebrate most of all?

11. Do you like to celebrate the Boxing Day?

12. What is the most popular holiday in Britain?


Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:

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