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Exercise 12. Fill the gaps with a suitable word to complete the word

partnership in italics:

1. The wind................ all the leaves off the trees yesterday.

2.The weather forecast said there could be some.... rain this afternoon, so

you will need your coat and umbrella.

3.We had a lot of thunder and......... in the night. I think it hit a tree nearby.

4.You can't go out in this weather - it's..... with rain.

5.The hurricane.............. many houses in the town; hundreds are now homeless.


Exercise 13. Complete these sentences with a suitable word in the correct form:

1. It was so... that 1 could only see about 50 metres in front of me.

2. The car didn't stop when I put on the brakes because of the on the road.

3. They wanted to know the......, so I had to go and get my thermometer.

4. It's not going to rain very much, but we may get a this afternoon, so

take an umbrella.

5. It wasn't heavy rain, but we had a bit of.. for much of the morning.

6. It's getting humid and the wind is increasing, so we could have a... soon.

7. It wasn't very nice this morning, but the sun out this afternoon.

8. How hot does it.......... in the summer in your country?

9. The temperature can........ 40 degrees centigrade.

10. There was a lot of sun this morning, but in the afternoon it was …and

much cooler.


Exercise 14. Identify the weather conditions in these pictures:


4.________________________ 5. ________________________ 6.________________________



Exercise 15. Fill the gaps with a suitable word:

1. We had really thick ……… this morning.

2. When it's hot, you still get a lovely................ off the sea.

3. I hope we don't get any more thunder and.....

4. We had a heavy....................... of rain this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes.

5. The hurricane completely.................... the village. There's nothing left.

6. It's quite hot when the sun.................... out.

7. What's the......................... today? It feels much colder than yesterday.

8. They said it was ten degrees below................ in New York yesterday. That's too cold for me.


Exercise 16. True or False? (If a sentence is false, change it to make it true.)

1. When it's foggy you need sunglasses. False. (When it’s foggy you can’t see very well.)

2. It gets quite chilly in the desert in the evening.

3. Thunder makes a noise.

4. Lightning can kill people.

5. A shower is a type of wind.

6. If it is humid, the air will be very dry.

7. Heavy rain means that it is pouring with rain.

8. It often pours with rain in the desert.


Exercise 17. Complete this text with suitable words:

An important influence on Japanese weather is the wind. During the summer it (1).................... from the Pacific, causing (2)............. and humid weather, but in winter, the north-westerly (3).............. from Siberia are very cold and it (4).............. heavily on the mountains in the north-west. The south-eastern parts receive cold dry air. Between June and mid-July, there is a period of very wet weather when the rice fields get the water they need. After that, there is less heavy rain, but the air is still (5).......... Autumn, however, is drier and usually very pleasant.

Exercise 18. Fill in the gaps using adjectives from the list:

stormy sunny cloudy snowy rainy windy

1. It was a... day in the middle of January, so we made a snowman.

2. It was such a... day that my umbrella was blown inside out.

3. Most people like to go on holiday when it is hot and....

4. Half an hour later the weather became very.... They could hear the rumble

of thunder and they saw flashes of lightening across the sky.

5. On a... night you can’t see any stars in the sky.

6. The town’s river overflows every year during the... season.


Exercise 19. Read and learn the poem by heart:


When the weather is wet,

We must not fret, -

When the weather is cold,

We must not scold.

When the weather is warm,

We must not storm, -

But be thankful together

Whatever the weather.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 4827. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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