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The Weather Forecast

The weather forecast for today was good. But during the last week the weather has changed several times. I think it's unsettled yet. That's why I am not sure that the weather today will be as fine as the weather report has said.

In the morning when I woke up the sky was all covered with clouds. It had been raining hard at night. There were puddles everywhere. And the mist was clearing away.

Then at about ten o'clock it cleared up. The sun began shining brightly. But the east wind began to blow. There was quite a chill in the air this morning. Later the temperature began to go up. Now it's getting warmer. But all the same I don't think that the heat will kill us today.

By the way, according to the weather forecast it will be cloudy today with rain in places. I'm almost sure that in an hour or so it'll start drizzling and it will go on till night.

I don't like such weather. If it's summer the weather must be warm and even hot. In summer I like to see the blue sky without any clouds. And if it rains let it be a thunder-storm with lightnings and thunder. But in a half an hour the puddles must dry up. It's awfully dull when it's drizzling from early morning till late at night.

I like a light breeze but not a hard wind, which blows off the hats of the passers-by and brings cold air. And the main thing I don't like about the weather is its ability to change quite suddenly and certainly at the wrong moment, for example, when we are going to the country.


weather forecast ['weðe 'fo:ka:st] — прогноз погоди

to change [t∫eind3] — змінюватися

unsettled [,Λn'setld] - нестійкий, несталий

а puddle [pΛdl] — калюжа

to clear away — розсіюватися (про туман)

to clear up — прояснюватися, розпогоджуватися

to go up — підніматися, підвищуватися

by the way- між іншим

according [ə'ko:diŋ] to — відповідно до; залежно від; за (згідноз)

to drizzle [drizl] — мрячити

to dry up — висихати

at the wrong [roŋ] moment — у непідхожий момент


Exercise 9. Finish the sentences according to the text:

1. The weather forecast….

2. That's why I am not sure….

3. It had been raining….

4. The sun began….

5. By the way, according to the weather forecast….

6. If it's summer….

7. And if it rains….

8. It's awfully dull….

9. And the main thing I don't like about the weather….

Exercise 10. Answer the questions:

1. What is the weather forecast for today, for tomorrow?

2. What weather do you like best of all?

3. Describe today's weather, yesterday's weather.

4. Do you like sunny or rainy weather? Why?

5. What season do you like best of all? Why?

Exercise 11. Read and translate “The weather forecaster”. Make-up your own the weather forecast for tomorrow:

“It will be windy and cloudy tomorrow. Sometimes it will snow. The
temperature will be 2 – 5 degrees below zero. It will be not very cold. But
it will be slippery. So, be attentive on the streets. Do not forget to wear your
mittens, hats, coats. The weather will be good tomorrow but it is winter
outside. I wish you to be healthy in any of weather. Good-bye!”

Exercise 12. Read the poems and say which season it is:

The trees are green
Blue sky is seen.
White winters days gone away
The world looks new and gay.

The snow is falling
The wind is blowing.
The ground is white
All day and all night.

The sun is shining
The flowers are blooming.
The sky is blue
The rains are few.


Yellow, red and green and brown
See the little leaves come down.
Dancing, dancing in the breeze
Falling, falling from the trees.

Exercise 13. Find the odd one out:

1) Autumn, spring, summer, weather;
2) Stormy, noisy, sunny, foggy;
3) Beach, the Black Sea, snowball, seaside;
4) Golden, red, sun, yellow;
5) Summer, cold, sunny, swim;
6) Warm, spring, ride a bike, snowy;
7) Autumn, cloudy, rainy, hot.

Exercise 14. Read and translate the dialogues. Act them out:

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 964. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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