Студопедия — Unit 14. Product and Corporate Advertising.
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Unit 14. Product and Corporate Advertising.

Ex 1. KEY VOCABULARY (SB page 134)


Product advertising is an important part of the marketing mix. Its aim is to increase sales by making a product or service known to a wider audience, and by emphasizing its positive qualities. A company can advertise in a variety of ways, depending on how much it wishes to spend on the advertising budget and the size and type of audience it wishes to target.

The different media for advertising include television, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, the Internet and direct mail.

Big department stores and supermarkets want the stock to move in and out quickly.

For that purpose they use demonstrations, competitions, introductory offers, money–off coupons, free samples and window display s.

The design and organization of advertising campaigns is usually the job of an advertising agency.

Corporate advertising is not directly concerned with increasing sales of a particular product or service, but more with the brand image, or the picture a company wants to present to the public.

Public relations (PR) experts specialize in organizing activities and events, which generate positive publicity for companies. Unusual advertising campaigns sometimes get extra publicity for the company by way of media reports about the campaign.



Ex.2 Listening Tapescript. DESIGNING A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL (SB page 142)


A TV commercial generally consists of a short film sequence of between 30 and 60 seconds with an accompanying soundtrack. The soundtrack includes a mixture of life recordings (what people say in the commercial), a voice-over (the voice of someone who does not appear on screen), jingles (short songs) and sound effects. Various techniques are used to convince the viewer of the value of the product or service that is being advertised.

One of the most common of these is ‘dramatization’ where a story is developed around the product or service. The original ideas behind a commercial of this type are developed from a scenario, a written document that summarizes the action, the atmosphere, the characters and the scene where the sequences of the commercial will be filmed. An artist then produces a storyboard, or series of pictures, to show how the commercial will look. The final slogan is designed to stick in the viewers’ mind.

‘Diamonds are forever’ by De Beers diamond company, is probably the most successful advertising slogan of all times. It creates a romantic and symbolic image of the product.




Ex.3 ROLE – PLAY. Presentation of a A COMMERCIAL (SB page 142)


In groups, choose a product or service to prepare a scenario for. Discuss your ideas and agree on a scenario and slogan for a TV commercial using the dramatization technique.


Follow the model.


Make presentation to the rest of the class. Discuss which scenario is the most effective.

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