The international system in 2015 will be shaped (cформирована) by some trends: population, natural resourses, environment, technology, globalization, national and others. The world in 2015 will be populated by some 7.2 billion people, up from 6.1 billion in the year 2000. The rate of world population growth. Increased life expectancy will contribute to a shift towards an aging population in high-income developed countries. The demographic trends will sharply diverge. More than 95 % of the increase in world population will be found in developing countries. Indias population will grow from 900 million to more than 1.2 billion by 2015, Pakistans will go up from 140 mill now to about 195 mill. Some countries in Africa with high rates of AIDS will experience reduced population growth or even declining populations despite relatively high birthrates. Russia and many post-Communist countries of Eastern Europe will have declining populations. As a result pf high mortality and low birthrates, R population may drop from its current 146.5 million to as low as 130 to 135 mill in 2015, while the neighboring states of Central Asia will experience continued population growth. In Japan and West European countries such as Italy and Spain, populatona also will decline in the absence of sharp (всплеск рождаемости) increases in birthrates or immigration. North America, Australia and New Zeland – the traditional magnets for migrants – will continue to have the highest rates of population growth among the developed countries.