The international organizations play the main role in contemporary world. There are: NATO, EU, UN. The end of Cold war has brought a clear turning point for NATO. First, the nature (хар-ер) of risks and potential threats has changed radically. Second, NATO has been going through a process of adaptation, adding to its traditional common defense functions new collective security functions. The principles of basic human rights, international law and multilateral(многостор) action, in the spirit of the UN, must be combined to make NATO a collective force of stability and security. The achievement of this aim can be put at risk by crisis and conflict affecting the security of the Euro-Atlantic area. The Alliance not only ensures the defense of its members but contributes to peace and stability in this region. The EU play an increasing role in helping develop democratic structures in Russia and other countries, as well as helping with building infrastructure, and in areas such as the development of legal systems. The UN was established on 24 October 1945 by 51 countries committed (обязаться) to preserving peace through international cooperation and collective security. Today, nearly every nation in the world belongs to the UN: membership now totals nearly 200 countries. Members of the UN agree to accept the obligations of the UN Charter. According to the Charter, the UN has four purposes: to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights, and to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. The maintenance of peace, and the prevention of armed conflict are the vital concerns of the UN. Respect for human rights at all times and in all places is a fundamental principle of the Organization. From the outset (начало) UN bodies have cited (ссылаться) the Geneva Conventions and Protocols, and have urged States to ratify.