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Ways to incorporate more produce in your menus

With rising protein costs expected to affect restaurant operations this year, and the FDA's proposed ban on trans fat, the use of fresh produce is being pushed to the top of menus.
While restaurant operators work to figure out the best way to incorporate more produce into their menus, consumers are likely to support it.
According to the National Restaurant Association’s 2014 Restaurant Industry Forecast, eight in 10 consumers say there are more healthful options on restaurant menus now than two years ago, and 72 percent say they are more likely to visit restaurants with healthy menu options.
These findings mirror the ongoing trend of healthy dining and the growing movement among chefs to use more produce on restaurant menus. For example, the National Restaurant Association's What’s Hot in 2014 survey of nearly 1,300 professional chefs shows locally grown produce as its No. 2 trend.
To better serve your diners in 2014 and beyond, here are eight ways to incorporate more produce onto your menu:

1. Take advantage of local farms. According to the NRA's What’s Hot in 2014 survey, farm- and estate-branded items such as fresh fruit and vegetables is the 10th biggest trend of the year. Some operators buy in-season produce from local farms to support their community, and some consumers equate “local” with “fresh.” If you buy locally, make sure you market that to further build brand awareness.

2. Work with what’s in season and in abundance. Using seasonal produce can be less expensive when it’s in ample supply. Use lettuce in the spring, tomatoes and fruit in the summer, and squash and root vegetables in the fall and winter. Using seasonal items means better-tasting products and creates a menu variety that lasts all year. Visit LocalHarvest.org to find out what's in season close to you and where you can find it locally.

3. Create your own restaurant garden. Restaurant gardens are one of my favorite ways to showcase fresh, seasonal ingredients. These gardens can be used to plant tomatoes, lettuce, beans or other produce. If there isn’t space outside for a full garden, plant fresh herbs such as basil and rosemary in pots, or grow kale and cabbage, which can double as in-store decoration. Use pots that can be positioned close to windows if used in-store, or place near your restaurant entrance if used outside. Your customers will love watching your employees clip from a fresh plant.

4. Test vegetables in unique specials. With the increased popularity of vegan and vegetarian dishes, restaurant operators can use produce to appeal to a diverse clientele. If your customers are more adventurous eaters, feature a new vegetable every week that diners might not typically see in supermarkets.

5. Incorporate vegetables into side dishes or appetizers. Appetizers are a great way to showcase fresh and seasonal produce. Create sauces and dips that pair well with fruit and vegetable slices and that speak to each season. For example, serve sliced apples with brie in the fall and pesto with chicken skewers in the summer.

6. Experiment with different ways to prepare produce. While produce served raw is an easy favorite, experiment with cooking methods that break away from tradition. Grilled vegetables are great when served as a side dish, while grilled fruit is a great way to top dessert. Grilled or sautéed vegetables can be added to rice or grain dishes.

7. Use fresh fruit in place of canned or garnish desserts. Use fresh slices of fruit or berries as a dessert topping or as an add-on to breakfast options such as oatmeal. Fresh fruit can be used in chutney, which also can serve as a topping option for burgers or sandwiches. Don't be afraid to get creative.

8. Garnish cocktails with unique produce. Fresh mango or papaya slices are a great garnish for tropical cocktails and spritzers. You also can create a specialty cocktail with vegetable juices such as carrot, cucumber or tomato. Hot peppers and cucumbers can be used in Bloody Marys and other vegetable juice concoctions. Use specialty drinks as a brunch, lunch or dinner special, and serve them with a side of additional vegetable or fruit garnishes. Again, creativity is key.

This article was written by Betsy Craig, founder and CEO of National Restaurant Association partner MenuTrinfo.

The National Restaurant Association’s Nutrition Executive Study Group efficiently delivers information and answers that are specific to the issues you face daily, from nutrition-related quality assurance and communications to research and development. Join your peers to discuss current trends and new strategies on March 3-4, 2015 in Lake Buena Vista, FL. Learn more.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 477. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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