Look at the following headlines and expand them into proper sentences.
1. Queen’s lost jewels found 2. Collision kills five 3. Manchester wins cup 4. Explosion destroys factory 5. Prince to wed 6. Dustmen’s strike over 7. Election called by PM 8. 7.5 quake kills 5000 9. Scandal threatens government 10. Hospital to be closed 11. War declared 12. Storm destroys corn crop 13. Terrorist drama ends peacefully 14. Clinton, Pope to meet 15. UN Warning: starvation in Africa
Discussion. a. Work with a partner. Complete the headlines below using the words in the box. Do you believe them? divide them into facts, half-truths and myths.
B. Listen to the surprising facts behind the headlines. Take notes and discuss your reactions after listening to each one.
The language of statistics