Translate the sentences into Ukrainian and learn the words and word combinations on E-mail and Internet communications.
I've bookmarked the CNN home page as I use it regularly to get the latest news. [put it in a list of websites I can access immediately] If you subscribe to newsgroups, you often get hundreds of messages. [become a member of] Some ISPs allow you to screen out unwanted mail.[prevent from reaching you] Our server [central computer that distributes e-mail and other services to a group of users] at work was down [not working] yesterday so I didn't get your message till today. Someone hacked into our company server and destroyed all our files. [accessed it illegally] Do you have good anti-virus software? It's worth updating it frequently. [protection against computer viruses] She must have changed her e-mail address - the e-mail I sent her bounced. [came back to me] That file you sent me as an attachment was unreadable. The text was completely garbled. [just a series of meaningless letters and numbers] 120. Translate the following words and phrases into English. Iнтернет-бізнес; комп`ютерна графіка; непотрібна інформація, що примусово розсилається абонентам електронної пошти; повернутись; робити закладку; сервер; приєднуватися до; миттєвий зв’язок; провайдер послуг в Інтернеті; за і проти; відправка файлів; перекручувати; проникнути до комп’ютерної мережі без дозволу; сторінка з новинами; завантаження; образливий матеріал; переглядати веб-сайти; не працювати; пароль; блукати сайтами у пошуках інформації; чат; ігнорувати; антивірусна програма; прикріплені файли. 121. Match the words and phrases on the left with the explanations on the right. 1. attachment Internet site where people with common interests can e-mail each other online 2. cookie unwanted web pages (e.g. advertisements) sent to you via the Internet 3. spam company that gives you access to the Internet and offers news pages, shopping, etc. 4. chat room program sent to your computer from the Internet, used to follow your activities 5. ISP file sent at the same time as an e-mail message