Work with a partner and discuss the following questions.
Is it important in your job to have access to the most up-to-date information? Why (not)? · Where do you get most of the information you need to do your job? · Which of the following sources of information are the most reliable?
143. You are going to read an extract from Great Myths of Business by the journalist and self-made millionaire William Dais. First match the following words and expressions with what they mean.
1. something believed by many but in fact untrue 2. completely misunderstand something 3. something that has disadvantages as well as advantages 4. something you’ve heard people say which may or may not be true 5. someone whose job is to make people or organisations look as good as 6. possible want things to happen in a particular way because it will benefit you
144. Now read the extract. How far do you go along with the argument it’s presenting?
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