Message design
I propose to create a family of ads with uniform design and shape, but with disposable filling words. If the same message of “cleaning up” is repeated alongside different images of social and economic systems, it can reach broad classes of population. My proposed core message statement is “Perú limpio, Perú claro”. This is the most general form of the message, appealing to the national pride of Peruvians and the unity of the country. This exact message should be used in places that do not favor any specific class of voters, such as main squares and public spaces like parks, shopping centers etc. However, to reach more precisely specific groups of voters we need to appeal to their more local problems. I want to target people of specific occupations rather than members of specific organizations. From the research I know that Peruvians don’t have high affinity towards their political parties, and the workers unions are also not too strong. However, the miners work in the mines, the judges work in the courts and the people who drive a lot are to be found on the intercity roads. Instead of appealing in those areas to the generic “Perú limpio”, I propose to replace it with the name of the occupation, producing a family of similar slogans: · Perú limpio, Perú claro · Minería limpia, minería clara · Justicia limpia, justicia clara · Tránsito limpio, tránsito claro etc.