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Designing the TV spots

The TV spots serve the promoting of Luis personality as a professional. Ollanta Humala in his spots uses very informal style of dress – relaxed shirts without a tie and jeans. As a former military leader, he is used to wearing uniform and only recently switched to civilian clothing. He uses informal clothes to create identification with other people who dress similarly – the lower classes of society, the simple people.

I want to position Luis as a professional. He got his high education degree as an engineer and has been working in this capacity ever since. For the spots and public appearances he should wear a dress shirt, tie, formal pants, and maybe glasses.

The spots should have references to the past successes of Luis infrastructure efforts – videos of the built structures and interviews with the people who directly benefited from it. As well, it should have the frames of Luis talking in the camera and explaining his strategy. Several different spots can be running concurrently that appeal to different areas of focus – mining, justice, education.

It is better to focus on the hope emotion in the advertisements. They can combine the images of the past infrastructure successes with the images of cleaned up and prospering regions that are currently known for being corrupt and inefficient.

The unification of transit laws and improvement of transport infrastructure is one of Luis’s focuses. That is a job to which he has dedicated many years. On one side, he is the designer and organizer of the road structure. On the other side, he is a big user of the system, as his work in remote regions required a lot of travel and was thus itself reliant on the infrastructure.

One of the images that can be used to appeal to the target groups is Luis driving on a modern asphalted road into his hometown to visit family. He can accent that some 20 years ago when he was leaving to become a student in Lima this road did not exist and visiting his family was a very complicated and long journey. This image allows appealing simultaneously to family values, to the not forgotten rural population, to the rural youth who would get a logistically easy opportunity to study and work in big cities, and to the improvement of the infrastructure itself.

Each ad should conclude with the appropriate image from the family of ads, so that the same visual and textual message is repeated over and over.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 481. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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