potatoes— чистити картоплю scrape new potatoes — чистити молоду картоплю peel an onion - обчистити цибулину pare (to scrape) a carrot — чистити моркву slice a potato thinly (thickly) — нарізати картоплю тонкими (товстими) шматочками cut a potato into quarters — розрізати картоплину на чотири частини slice a lemon cut a cabbage into shreds — нарізати (нашаткувати) капусту grate a potato,— натерти картоплю на тертушці clear the meat from the bone — відділити м'ясо від кісток divide the meat into pieces — розрізати м'ясо на шматки chop the meat finely — дрібно посікти м'ясо mince the meat, пропустити м'ясо через м'ясорубку, зробити фарш form the meat into balls — зробити з фаршу кульки sprinkle something with flour (salt) посипати щось борошном (сіллю) egg something with a feather (paste-brush) — змастити щось яйцем за допомогою пензлика thicken something with flour — зробити щось густіше, додаючи борошно put in a little water — додати boil simmer fry in butter/oil mash grind coffee Useful Expressions What do you say of a cup of tea?? Will you have a cup of tea?) — Чи не хочете випити чаю? Do you like strong tea? - Ви любите міцний чай? What will you take with your tea? Lemon or milk? — 3 чим ви будете пити чай? З лимоном чи молоком? Have you enough sugar? — Цукру досить?
Help yourself to the sandwiches. — Беріть бутерброди, будь ласка. No, I'd prefer a cup of cold tea. - Hi, я хотів би чашку холодного чаю. No sugar for me, thank you. — Мені не треби цукру, дякую. І don't take sugar in my tea. — Я п'ю чай без цукру. І never touch (take) wine. — Я вино не вживаю. Не is fond of the bottle. — Він любить випити. Here's to you! (Cheerio! Your health! To you!) — За ваше здоров'я! Many happy returns of the day! — Бажаю багато років життя! І suppose I could do with some more. - Я, може, з'їв би ще трохи. - Thanks, I've had a bite already. - Дякую, я вже з'їв шматочок (трохи). Anything will do for me. I'm not particularly hungry. - Мені байдуже. Я не дуже хочу їсти. It doesn't look very appetizing. — Це виглядає не дуже апетитно. І cannot eat anything now. I have no appetite. — Я не можу нічого їсти зараз. У мене немає апетиту. І am no longer hungry, thank you. - Я вже не голодний, дякую вам. No soup for me in the morning. - Суп вранці я не їм. It's the most delicious dinner I've ever eaten. —Такого смачного обіду я ніколи не їв. How do you like (find) the. Як вам подобається...? It tastes all right. — Це має непоганий смак. The beefsteak is done to a turn. — Біфштекс підсмажений добре. The fish is excellent (delicious). - Риба чудова. Do you feel like eating anything? — Чи нe хочете ви щось з'їсти? I haven't had a regular (square) meal ever since I left home. —Я не харчуюсь нормально відтоді, як поїхав з дому.
1 If you have been served by a waiter or waitress and you want to pay, ask: Could I pay now, please. Could I have the bill, please. The bill, please. Remember that please is very important. 2 Ordering Waiter: Now, are you ready to order? --- You: Yes, I think I'll start with ……. soup and then I’ll have…. Waiter: And would you like something to drink? You: What soft drinks have you got? Waiter: Coke, orange juice, milk... You: I’ll have…..please. Dinner at home.. When you are offered food or drink Would you like some...? - Yes, please. / No, thank you. / No thank you, I'm fine. / No thank you. I really couldn't manage any more. 3.Refusing something. Help yourself to the marzipan cake. - No thank you. I'm afraid I'm not very keen on marzipan. / No, thank you. I'm afraid marzipan doesn't agree with me. Avoid saying direct to your host I don't like ... 4. Asking for more. I wonder if I could have another piece of bread / some more milk, please. 5. Saying you don't want much. Well, yes please, but only a small piece/ but only a little. 6. When you do not want a large meal. Could I just have something light, please? 7. Getting something you cannot reach. Could you pass the (bread), please. If you pass something to someone else, it is normal and perfectly polite to say nothing. Starting the meal Would you like to come through/to the table now. I think everything's ready. - Thank you. Oh, this looks lovely. There is no phrase in English to translate Bon appetit. In fact, your British host may use your language — if (s)he knows it! During the meal. It is polite to make a comment while you are eating. This is lovely/ very nice/absolutely delicious. - Thank you. I’m glad you like it. Would you like some more?- Oh, thank you. Just a little then, please./ No, it is really lovely, but I don’t think I could manage any more, thank you. Coffee? - Black, please. - White for me, please. After the meal.. - Thank you.. That was very nice. That was really lovely. That was lovely. I really enjoyed it.