My home is my castle
Дружба Что такое дружба? Некоторые люди скажут, что это - чувство взаимной симпатии между двумя или большazSxdcfghujn mkop I’ другого.
My home is my castle I think, every person always dreams about the place where he can speak about his problems, chat with close friends, where he can feel happy and quiet. For me it is my family and my home. It is the best place in the world and my dearest people live here. My family is large we are 4. I have a father, a mother and sister. We live in a house, I like this cosy place most of all on the earth. Here I feel protected from all the troubles, I know that I'll be understood. To my mind, all this is due to my parents. My father is good men.He is very generous, cheerful.. Really, he is a bread maker of the family.. My mother is very lively. She is life and soul of the family. My sisters work. She very beautiful. She looks like my father.. We all feel happy when we are together. In the evenings we often have little gatherings in the kitchen by the cup of tea, chatting, laughing and discussing the events of the day.. My parents are hardworking. They combine work with housekeeping. Mum manages our household very well. I have in the habit of helping her to run the house. My home is a cosy place. Our relatives and friends like to come to our place. My parents are very hospitable everybody feels at home in their house.