The StatAdvisor
This option runs an F-test to compare the variances of the two samples. It also constructs confidence intervals or bounds for each standard deviation and for the ratio of the variances. Of particular interest is the confidence interval for the ratio of the variances, which extends from 0,591562 to 3,77592. Since the interval contains the value 1, there is not a statistically significant difference between the standard deviations of the two samples at the 95,0% confidence level.
An F-test may also be used to test a specific hypothesis about the standard deviations of the populations from which the two samples come. In this case, the test has been constructed to determine whether the ratio of the standard deviations equals 1,0 versus the alternative hypothesis that the ratio does not equal 1,0. Since the computed P-value is not less than 0,05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the F-tests and confidence intervals shown here depend on the samples having come from normal distributions. To test this assumption, select Summary Statistics from the list of Tabular Options and check the standardized skewness and standardized kurtosis values.
Главная гипотеза H0- эксперимент воспроизводится, т.к. число степеней свободы Df=19 для P_18 и P_18_fpv.
Выводы: в результате исследования двух независимых переменных можно сделать вывод о том, что данный эксперимент воспроизводиться, т.к. число степеней свободных по двум независимым переменным равен 19. Односторонний параметрический критерий.