The symptoms of age-related cataracts (to develop) ________________ gradually, getting worse over many years. Blurred and cloudy vision (to be) ____ common. It may (to be) _____ difficult to see in dim light and bright lights may appear more glaring. Colours may (to appear) ___________ different to how they once did and there may (to be) _______ a yellow tinge to vision. Left untreated, congenital cataracts can (to result) _____________ in permanent visual loss. Who (to affect) _______________? The older someone (to be) ______, the more likely they (to be) ______ to suffer from age-related cataracts. It (to estimate) __________________ that around 71 per cent of people over the age of 85 (to have) _______________ a cataract bad enough to affect their sight. Women (to affect) _____ more commonly ___________________ than men.