| TB
| Bacterial or viral infection of the lung tissue
| Inflammation of the bronchi
| Chronic obstruction
| Sudden but reversible narrowing of bronchioles
| A contagious, potentially fatal infection
| A malignant disease of the lungs
Risk factors
and/or causes
| Pneumo-
mycoplasma, viruses.
Smokers, the elderly, immunocompromised (diabetes, cancer, AIDS)
| Bacterial infection already present in the airways.
Smoking, diminished immunity,
| Smoking, cystic fibrosis, alpha-antitripsinase enzyme deficiency, chronic exposure to asbestos, silica, coal dust
| Allergic reactions, changes in the weather, colds, emotions, exercises, unknown factors, affects predominantly young people (50% under 10)
| Myco-bacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. africanum, may cause kidney infections, meningitis, sepsis
| Smoking, exposures to industrial chemicals
Symptoms and complications
| A yellow or green productive cough, fever, shaking chills, shortness of breath, pleuritic chest pains
| Productive cough (occasionally blood streaked), shortness of breath, asthma-like symptoms, wheezing
| Chronic cough shortness of breath, asthma-like symptoms, wheezing, fever
| Rapid onset of wheezing, difficulty breathing out, tightness in the chest, dry or productive cough, a history of prior similar attacks
| Night sweats, fevers, weight loss, bloody cough, chills
| Persistent cough, blood streaked sputum, chest pains, recurrent pneumonia, weight loss
| Chest x-ray, CBC, blood cultures, blood chemistry, sputum cultures, arterial blood gas analysis
| Chest x-ray, CBC, blood chemistry, sputum cultures, arterial blood gas analysis
| Pulmonary function tests, chest x-ray
| Pulmonary function tests, chest x-ray, skin testing for allergies, examination for throat or ear infections
| Skin testing (PPD- purified protein derivative of tuberculin), mucus culture, blood studies, x-ray, identification of TB carriers
| Chest x-ray, sputum cytology, broncho-scopy,
| Oral or IV antibiotics, pneumovax vaccine
| oral antibiotics, broncho-dilators, aerosols, inhalation treatments, acetomino-phen or aspirin for fever control
| Antibiotics, broncho-dilators, oxygen therapy, steroid medications, pulmonary diet, avoidance of smoking
| Broncho-dilators, steroid medications, theophyline containing medications, avoidance of smoking and smoky environment, avoidance of rapid changes in temperature
| Anti TB medications
| Surgery, radiation therapy, chemo-therapy