| Definition
| Narrowing and hardening of the arteries
| Inflammation of the veins with blood clotting
| Clot formation commonly in the lower extremities
| A deficiency in the red blood cell count
| Cancer of the blood and bone marrow
| Risk factors and/or causes
| Age, diabetes, HBP, HBC, smoking, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, a family history of stroke and heart attack
| Age, history for varicose veins, prior history of the disease, prior IV or blood draw, traumas with bruising,
Chemotherapy mastectomy
| risk factors: pregnancy, chronically bedridden or wheelchair bound, immediate postoperative patients, a history of prior DVT, birth control pills
| Low iron, blood loss (B12 vitamin and folic acid deficiency, autoimmune d. bone marrow prob. (leukemia), sickle cell d., drug side effects, arsenic poisoning, lead intoxication
| Exposure to radiation, chemicals, some drugs, viruses, genetic factors.
Causes are unknown
| Symptoms and complications
| Often no symptoms (chest pains, leg cramps).
Complications: heart attack, coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, HBP, kidney disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, ischemic bowel disease
| Pains, tenderness, warmth, slight redness overlying a vein, more common in the lower extremities, also occurs in the arms and hands after an IV line
| Unilateral leg swelling and pain, tenderness to the calf extending up the thigh, into the groin
Complications: embolization, pulmonary embolism
| Fatigue, faintness or fainting, exertional shortness of breath, palpitations, no red blood vessels in the “whites”, no clearly defined red lines on the palm, black tarry stools, vomiting of coffee ground material
| Weakness, fatigue, anemia, pallor, easy bruising, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, weight loss, swollen lymph glands,
| Evaluation
| Cholesterol tests
| Physical examination, CBC
| Angiodyno-graphy, venography, CBC,
coagulation profile
| CBC, vitamin B12 levels, chemistry, stool tests, chest x-ray, bone marrow biopsy
| CBC, microscopic test of white blood cells, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
| Treatment
| Avoidance of smoking and stresses, control of diabetes control of HBP, control of weight, control of diet, exercise
| Application of warmth, wet compresses, elevation of the site, rest, anti-inflammatory agents, aspirin
| Heparin, anti-coagulant medications IV or orally, leg elevation, bed rest, warm compresses, bed rest, anti-inflammatory agents, aspirin
| Transfusion of blood products, iron diet, ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, B-complex vitamin
| Anti-cancer drugs, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation
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