| Rheumatoid arthritis
| Gouty
| Osteoarthritis
| Osteoporosis
| Fibromyalgia
| Torticollis
| Inflammation within a joint due to abnormal response of the immune system
| Inflammation of the joint space
| Degenerative joint disease
Destruction of the cartilage
The elderly
| Fragile structure natural deminerali-zation
Progressive weakening of bones
| Disorders characterized by achy pain and stiffness in muscles, tendons and ligaments
| Painful intermittent or continuous spasms of the neck muscles
Risk factors
| After age 40 can be an inherited disease
Exposure to cold
| Results from the body’s production of uric acid crystals
Can be hereditary
More rare in females
| Over 60
| More common in females
200000 fractures
sedentary lifestyles
inadequate amount of calcium smoking
family history alcohol
h. protein diet
| Physical or mental stresses,
injuries, exposure to dampness or cold, infections,
| 30-60 years, more common in women,
hyperthyroi-dism, nervous system infections, antipsychotic drugs, neck tumors
Symptoms and complications
| Remitting and exacerbation course
Joint swelling
Joint pains in wrists knees and small joints of the hand pleurisy eye pains shortness of breath
| Hot
Swollen joints
(big toes or knees)
| Hands, hips knees neck spine lower back
Long history
Episodic pains
Mild swellings stiffness numbness tingling weakness
| No obvious symptoms
| Achy pain and stiffness, fatigue, tenderness, muscle tightness,
Spasms, non-restorative sleep, anxiety, depression, irritable bowel symptoms
| Sharp painful neck muscle spasms on one side of the neck, intermittent or continuous pains, spasms in the eyelids,face,jaw or hand
| Special blood immune tests serological tests rheumatoid factor tests
| Aspiration of fluid microscopic analysis uric acid level blood tests
| x-ray
blood tests MRI
| x-ray CT
| Palpation to reveal tender points
| History (past injuries, x-rays, CT,MRI
| Immuno-suppressors anti-inflammatory medications physical and occupational therapy
| Medications to decrease excess uric acid
Joint rest and elevation splinting
No alcohol
| Aspirin anti-inflammatory medications
Physical therapy
weight reduction
joint replacement
| Exercise
Calcium supplement
Vitamin D
Estrogen supplements
Hormone therapy
Sodium floride treatments
| Avoidance of stresses, exercises, sleep, appli-cation of heat, gentle massage, local anesthetics, low doses of antidepressants at bed time.
| Physical therapy, massage, antiholinergics, sedatives, relaxants, antidepressants,
Psychiatric treatment