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muscle tension headaches; migraine headaches (migraines - recurring, throbbing, intense pains that usually affect one side of the head but sometimes affect both sides); cluster headaches; vertigo (a sense of moving or spinning); loss of balance; insomnia; hypersomnia (an increase in sleep); narcolepsy (recurring, irrepressible attacks of sleep during normal waking hours; cataplexy; sleep paralysis; hallucinations); sleep apnea (snoring; episodes of gasping, choking, pauses in breathing, sudden awakening); parasomnias (vivid dreams and physical activities that occur during sleep): leg jerks, restless legs (akathisia), furious teeth clenching, sleepwalking (somnambulism), head-banging, night terrors, nightmares); depression; irritability; restlessness; nausea; loss of appetite; tingling or weakness in an arm or leg; muscle weakness; muscle enlargement; muscle spasms; shortening of the muscles (contractures); tight, contracted muscles; drooping eyelids; difficulty raising the arms; difficulty rising from a sitting position; cataracts; small testes; premature balding; irregular heartbeats; mental retardation; muscle stiffness (rigidity) (stiff hands, legs and eyelids); an inability to relax the muscles; immobility; difficulty in initiating movements; muscle ache and fatigue; difficulty swallowing (dysphagia); difficulty breathing; difficulty articulating thoughts; sudden attacks of muscle weakness and paralysis; tremor (action tremors, resting tremors, intention tremors, essential tremors, senile tremors; muscle cramps; tics (hitting, kicking, grunting, snorting, humming, eye blinks); anxiety; loss of memory; writer’s cramp; photosensitivity; dementia; incoordination; disturbances in sensation (double vision, partial blindness, pain in one eye, dim or blurred vision, loss of central vision); emotional or intellectual changes; disability; constipation; diarrhea; loss of sensation; jerky (spastic) leg movements; a change in gait; painful neck; sudden back pain; loss of bowel or bladder control; an inability to feel heat, cold or pain; tenderness; pain in the lower back; pain may travel along the sciatic nerve to the buttocks, thigh, calf, and foot; loss of feeling; pain may travel down the shoulder, arm, and hand or up the back of the head; leg weakness; difficulty lifting the front part of the foot (footdrop); the pain of a ruptured disk is usually worse with movement and aggravated by coughing, laughing, urinating, or straining while defecating; numbness and tingling of the legs, feet, and toes; pain in the shoulder blade; difficulty in speaking (dysarthria); odd emotional responses, switching from expressions of happiness to those of sadness quickly and without reason; inappropriate outbursts; excessive, specific muscle fatigue after exercise; weakness of the arms and legs; weakness of part or all of a leg; total leg paralysis; swelling of the hands, arms, and shoulders; cyanosis (a bluish tinge); pain in the first three fingers and the thumb side of the hand; paresthesia (a burning or tingling sensation) in the arm or shoulder; odd sensation and weakness in the hand; wristdrop; an inability to sense vibration or the position of the arms, legs, and joints; pain is often worse at night and may be aggravated by touching the sensitive area or by temperature changes; sexual impotence; low or high blood pressure; low blood pressure upon standing; pallor and dryness of the skin; excessive sweating; abnormal heart rhythm; difficulty walking; wasting of the calf muscles (stork leg deformity); foot deformities (high arches and hammer toes); repeated bursts of closely separated lightning-like flashes of excruciating pain in the lower portion of the face (most often in the cheek adjacent to the nose or in the jaw area); weakness of the facial muscles; pain behind the ear; numbness or heavy feeling in the face; difficulty closing the eye on the affected side; brief, vivid, unpleasant smell sensations (olfactory hallucinations); dysgeusia (a distortion of taste); seizures (noticing an odd smell or taste; convulsion - jerking and spasms of muscles throughout the body; brief attacks of altered consciousness; loss of consciousness; loss of muscle control or bladder control; intense turning of the head to one side; clenching the teeth; unusual sensations of smell, taste, or visions or an intense feeling that a seizure is about to begin; auras; a headache; sore muscles; unusual sensations; confusion; profound fatigue); twitches in a specific muscle; hallucinations of flashes of light; hallucinations of images and complicated repetitive behavior - for instance, walking in circles; chewing movements, lip smacking; intense hallucinations of a smell, either pleasant or unpleasant; abnormal sensations; abnormal movements; psychic aberrations; loss of or abnormal sensations in an arm or leg or one side of the body; weakness or paralysis of an arm or leg or one side of the body; partial loss of vision or hearing; double vision, dizziness; slurred speech; difficulty in thinking of the appropriate word or saying it; inability to recognize parts of the body; unusual movements; imbalance and falling; fainting; an ability to control emotions; edema or swelling in the brain; loss of speech; inability to move (paralysis); nausea; vomiting; facial pain; a sudden severe headache, often followed by a brief loss of consciousness; feeling sleepy; frequent fluctuations in the heartbeat and breathing rate; difficulty in concentration; forgetfulness; lack of feeling and emotion; anxiety; trouble working, studying, and socializing; puzzling; worsening headaches; increasing sleepiness; falling into a coma; memory loss; a deep coma; increasing confusion; collapse; apathy; inattention; indifference; incontinence; euphoria; personality changes (humorlessness, unusual degrees of religiosity, obsessiveness, and loss of libido); disorientation; paranoia (believing that strange things are happening (delusions)); delirium; inability to think logically or perform simple calculations; forgetting recent events; fears; decreased emotion; difficulty with abstract thinking (such as working with numbers).


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 547. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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