The mortality (_______________________) is 21.8 per 1,000 people. The most common problems of Kirov region’s health care are lack of medications (___________________________) and lack of minimum invasive procedures (_______________). Patients are usually very well evaluated (____________________). Evaluation (______________________) usually includes (___________________________) three main stages (______________________). The first part consists of (_________________) anamnesis of previous diseases (___________________________), anamnesis of the relatives’ diseases, and anamnesis of medications (__________________). The second part consists of (_____________________) listening to the heart and lungs (__________________), application of the fingers with light pressure to the surface of the body (________________________), striking a part of the body with short, sharp blows (______________________________________), and visual examination (__________________). The third part consists of (_____________________) different instrumental examinations (____________________). The most common diagnostic procedures are the technique of graphically recording some physical and functional aspects of the heart (________________), the technique of recording some physical and functional aspects of the brain (______________), recording of internal body images (___________), instrumental investigation of the bronchi (______________________), inspection of the interior of the stomach by means of a special instrument (________________________), removal and examination, usually microscopic, of living tissue of a body organ (_______________). Many diseases (______________________) result from (________________________________________) from tobacco abuse (_____________________), extra kilograms (_____________________), strong drink abuse (_________________________) and lack of movements (_______________________________________). Use the most appropriate synonyms 1. There are thousands of diverse diseases of the respiratory system. 2. The most typical diseases are inflammation of the bronchi, inflammation of the lungs, inflammation and malignant disease of the lungs. 3. Most respiratory diseases occur fromtobacco abuse. 4. Other risk factors are exposure to industrial chemicals. 5. The most typical symptoms of respiratory diseases are breathlessness, cough, wheezing, high temperature, and difficulty breathing. 6. Examination for respiratory diseases includes three main stages. 7. Instrumental examination usually includes visualizing techniques such as X-ray, CT and MRI. 8. Pharmacotherapy includes diverse effective medicines. 9. Treatment rests on diverse factors. 10. Physicians often prescribe different medications. 11. Many medications may have adverse reactions. 12. Some respiratory diseases may cause severe consequences. 13. Mortality of some respiratory diseases is quite high. 14. Many heavy smokers have respiratory problems. 15.Patients with severe conditions are referred to inpatient medical centers. 16. Milder cases are treated at same day centers. 17. Diverse surgeriesare performed for severe cases. 18. That is why prophylaxis is better than cure. 19. Vaccination plays an important role in prophylaxis of many diseases. 20. Hereditary factors may also play a certain role. 21. In prophylaxis of respiratory diseases, the most important recommendation is to stop smoking. 22. Adhere to a healthy life style. 23. Do morning drills. 24. Health is better than much money and property. 25. Follow self-care recommendations.