1. What is the first leading cause of death in the developed countries? Cancer; stroke; heart diseases; traumas, COPD; pneumonia and influenza; diabetes; suicides.
2.What country has the best health care indicators? The USA; Germany, the UK; Japan; France; Canada; Russia; Spain.
3.What country has the worst health care indicators? The USA; Germany, the UK; Japan; France; Canada; Russia; Spain.
4. What are the most common and associated symptoms of MI? varying degrees of chest pain; diarrhea; central chest discomfort radiating to the shoulders and/or arms (usually the left side), neck (carotid area usually) or the back; weakness, constipation; nausea, and vomiting; sometimes loss of consciousness; bloody cough; shortness of breath; diaphoresis (excessive sweating); palpitations and dizziness.
5.What are the most common symptoms of asthma? wheezing caused by obstruction of the airways; severe arrhythmias; rapid breathing; cyanosed (blue) complexion; shortness of breath, particularly after exercise or when emotional; gastrointestinal problems.
6.What are the most common symptoms of stomach cancer? Indigestion or a burning sensation (heartburn); discomfort or pain in the abdomen; nausea and vomiting; diarrhea or constipation; bloating of the stomach after meals; loss of appetite; weakness and fatigue; bleeding (vomiting blood or having blood in the stool); increased appetite; increased thirst; increased urination. 7. What surgical procedure is much more appropriate for patients with diminished immunity or overweight? Routine surgery; endosurgery. 8. Since when has laparoscopic surgery been available? Since the 1950s; since the 1960s; since the 1970s; since the 1980s; since the 1990s. 9. What underlying causes may chronic gastritis have? Infection with the bacterium H. pylori: bile reflux; excessive consumption of alcohol; consumption of certain foods;.bird flue; excessive consumption of fruit and vegetables. 10. What are symptoms of type 1 diabetes? frequent urination; increased thirst, increased fluid intake;.there may also be weight loss (despite normal or increased eating); increased appetite; irreduceable fatigue; altered vision; blurred vision; frequent stomach bleedings; asthma-like symptoms. 11. What do longer-term complications of diabetes include? Cardiovascular disease (doubled risk); chronic renal failure; retinal damage with eventual blindness; nerve damage; eventual gangrene with risk of amputation of toes, feet, and even legs. 12.What are the most common treatments for cancer? Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy, herbal therapy, physiotherapy; hyperbaric oxygen therapy with laryngectomy patients (people who have had an operation to remove all or part of the larynx (voice box)), massage therapy 13. What is the most dangerous type of hepatitis? Hepatitis A; hepatitis B; hepatitis C. 14. What are the most frequent symptoms of influenza? Fever. Headache. Tiredness (can be extreme). Dry cough. Sore throat. Nasal congestion. Sneezing. Irritated eyes. Body aches. Extreme coldness. Internal bleedings. Frequent urination. 15. What are the most common symptoms of appendicitis? Pain that usually starts centrally (periumbilical) before localising to the lower right side of the abdomen; tenderness; associated anorexia (loss of appetite); fever is usually present. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may or may not occur. Gastrointestinal bleedings. Bloody cough. Sneezing.