Студопедия — Patterns for retelling texts on diseases
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Patterns for retelling texts on diseases

What is the definition of the disease? What is the disease defin ed? What is the disease term ed?

The definition of the disease is … The disease is defin ed as… The disease is term ed as…The disease is referr ed to as…


What are the main causes of the disease? What do the main causes of the disease include? What is the disease caus ed by? What is the disease trigger ed by? What is the disease induc ed by? What does the disease result from?

The main causes of the disease are … The main causes of the disease include… The disease is caus ed by… The disease is trigger ed by… The disease is induc ed by… The disease result s from


What are the main risk factors? What are the most common predisposing factors?What do the main risk factors include? What are the main risk situations? What are the main risk groups? Who is at high risk for the disease?

The main risk factors are… The main risk factors include… The most common predisposing factors are… The main risk situations are… The main risk groups are…Alcoholics, immunocompromised people, diabetics, AIDS patients are at high risk for the disease.


What are the most common symptoms of the disease? What are the most common signs of the disease? What are the most common clinical features of the disease? What are the most common clinical manifestations of the disease?

The most common symptoms of the disease are… The most common signs of the disease are… The most common clinical features of the disease are… The most common clinical manifestations of the disease are…


What does evaluation for the disease include? What does examination for the disease consist of? What does investigation for the disease involve? What does evaluation for the disease comprise?

Evaluation for the disease includes three main stages. Examination for the disease consists of three main steps. Investigation for the disease involves three main parts.

Evaluation for the disease comprises three main levels.

They are history, physical examination and instrumental evaluation.


What does history include? What does history evaluation consist of?

History includes first, a personal medical history or a previous history, second, a family history, third, a medication or drug history, forth, an occupational history, fifth, a social history, sixth, a surgical history, seventh, an environmental history, etc.


What does physical examination include? What does physical evaluation consist of?

Physical evaluation includes first, observation, second, percussion, third, palpation, and forth, auscultation [o:].


What does instrumental evaluation include?

Instrumental evaluation includes different blood tests, urinalysis, X-ray, MRI, ultrasound, ECG, echocardiography, etc.


What does treatment for the disease include? What does management for the disease consist of? How is the disease treated? What are the most common treatment methods for the disease? What are the most common treatment modalities for the disease?

Treatment for the disease includes…The most common treatment methods and modalities are…


What does prevention for the disease include? How is the disease prevented? What does self-care include?

The most common prevention includes…avoidance of smoking, avoidance of alcohol, avoidance of sedentary life style, healthy diet low in fats, cholesterol and dietary sodium, exercises within tolerant levels…


How is the patient with the disease interviewed? How is the patient with the disease questioned? What questions does the doctor ask the patient with the disease?


The patient is thoroughly interviewed. The patient is very well interviews. The doctor asks a lot of questions, for instance…


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 573. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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