Студопедия — VARIANT 5
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М. Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті

Факультет: Филологиялық

Кафедра: Шетел тілдері

Шифр, мамандық: 5В 011900 Шетел тілі: екі шет тілі

Топ: 03303а

Пәні: Шет тілін арнайы мақсатта оқыту (С1)



Name _______________________ Score _____________


Language section


A Choose the correct word, a, b or c to complete 1–8.

(1) Lenny Montano __________ how some tricks are done.

a) claimed b) pretended c) revealed


(2) Could you __________ a small donation, please?

a) make b) pay c) do


(3) I need to __________ some money from the cash machine.

a) make b) pay c) withdraw


(4) How many times have you __________ that trick?

a) performed b) pretended c) seemed


(5) “We had to pay too much,” he __________.

a) complained b) told c) warned


(6) I’m not very good when I try and __________ in tennis.

a) pass b) serve c) throw


(7) That was fantastic! Definitely the __________ of my day.

a) high point b) get cracking c) bright and early


(8) You really love playing badminton, don’t you? I can tell because you’re always so __________.

a) ambitious b) enthusiastic c) talented


B Choose the correct form of the word to complete each sentence.

(9) What’s the probably / probability of that happening again?

(10) Oh come on! That’s impossible / possibly. I don’t care what you say.

(11) I can’t say with any certain / certainty.

(12) I don’t know, but I think it’s quite likelihood / unlikely.

(13) How can you be so definite / definitely?

(14) I’m absolutely certain / certainty it was here earlier.




C Complete the sentences in direct speech so that they mean the same as those above in reported speech.

(15) He told me to be quick.

“__________________________________________, ” he told me.


(16) She asked me what I had been doing.

“__________________________________________?” she asked.


(17) Angela insisted that I called her at nine.

“__________________________________________,” insisted Angela.


(18) John warned me to be careful.

“__________________________________________!” warned John.


(19) He said he would do it the following day.

“__________________________________________,” he said.



D For 20–25, choose the sentence, a, b or c which as the same meaning as the sentence above.

(20) I’m certain it’s a trick.

a) It can’t be a trick. b) It might be a trick. c) It must be a trick.


(21) I think it’s probably a fake.

a) It can’t be a fake. b) It might be a fake. c) It must be a fake.


(22) I’m sure he isn’t a magician.

a) He can’t be a magician. b) He might be a magician. c) He must be a magician.


(23) She’s got different colour hair.

a) She can’t be the same woman.

b) She might be the same woman.

c) She must be the same woman.


(24) I don’t think he was there, but I’m not sure.

a) It couldn’t have been him. b) It might have been him. c) It must have been him.


(25) I didn’t sleep last night.

a) You could be tired. b) You might be tired. c) You must be tired.



E Decide if these sentences are active or passive.

(26) The record was broken for the second time this week. active / passive

(27) The 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London. active / passive

(28) They’ll finish building the stadium soon. active / passive

(29) The rules were changed in 1988. active / passive

(30) All the swimming events will be held in the outdoor pool. active / passive

(31) They must decide when the competition will start. active / passive

(32) The game will be shown on TV. active / passive



Functional language

F Complete the three conversations with words and expressions from the box. There are three extra words and phrases.

a lot to be gained from aren’t you? no point in congratulations

didn’t we? excellent news Guess what? isn’t it? not at all

The same to you. don’t you?


Conversation 1

A: So, what’s this great idea of yours?

B: Steve thinks we should bid to host the next Olympics!

A: You’re joking, (33) _______________

B: No, (34) _______________. I think it would be great for the city.

A: What do you mean?

B: Well, there’s (35) _______________ having the Olympics here.

A: Really? Just name one advantage.

Conversation 2

A: (36) _______________

B: I don’t know. Give me a clue.

A: The Olympics.

B: We won, (37) _______________

A: Yeah, we did.

B: Great. Oh, and (38) _______________! I never thought we would win the bid, but well done!


Conversation 3

A: You like sport, (39) _______________

B: Yes. Why?

A: Haven’t you heard? The Olympics are going to be held here in 2016?

B: Wow. That’s (40) _______________!




Part 1

[Track 13] You are going to hear five short recordings. Listen and choose the correct answer for each one.


(1) The speaker reads books about

a) aliens. b) mysteries. c) people’s adventures.


(2) CCTV cameras in schools help

a) students to work better. b) teachers with discipline. c) reduce bullying.


(3) Which sport does the speaker hope to compete in?

a) tennis b) paragliding c) gymnastics


(4) According to the speaker

a) friends and family are as important as money.

b) money is the most important thing in life.

c) having a job is the most important thing in life.


(5) Which of these is the best response?

a) My pleasure. b) Well done! c) I’ll keep my fingers crossed.



Part 2

[Track 14] Listen to Maxine and Jenny talking about two sporting events. Match the things they talk about to the correct sporting event. Write RA for Royal Ascot, W for Wimbledon and B for both.

(6) horse racing __________

(7) champagne __________

(8) meeting famous people __________

(9) strawberries and cream __________

(10) wearing fancy clothes __________



Part 1

Read the articles about the Nazca lines and Stonehenge and complete them with phrases from the box.

as a calendar to mark important events in religious ceremonies

other lines make up shapes or pictures you will see an amazing thing

you will suddenly come across



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