Студопедия — GLOSSARY
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


consortium, noun, sing. a combination of two or more large international companies, which join together for a special _common purpose.


A Complete the gaps in the conversation with appropriate phrases (a–j).

Sandra: John, ______________ 29? When would be the best time to launch the new sun cream range? July?

John: _______________ 30 I think May would be better. That’s when most people start going on holiday.

Sandra: _______________ 31 but I’m not sure we’d be ready by then. There’s still a lot of work to do.

John: I know _______________ 32 So, what do you suggest?

Sandra: _______________ 33 June? That gives us three months to prepare.

John: _______________ 34 we need three months to prepare?

Sandra: Two months would be too little, I think. _______________ 35 about that?

John: Three months will be fine– _______________ 36 anyway.

Sandra: Great. _______________ 37 ring Martin and see if he agrees.

John: _______________ 38 for a minute. Can we discuss something else first before you call?

a) what you mean

b) what’s your opinion

c) How about

d) I propose that we

e) That’s true

f) Well, I think so

g) Maybe, but

h) How do you feel

i) Are you saying that

j) Hold on

B Some of the underlined phrases in the telephone conversation below contain errors. Find and correct them. If a phrase is correct, put a tick in the space next to that line.

Bob: Good morning. Easy electrics.

Alexis: Hello. I’d like speaking with Bob Baker, please


Bob: Bob Baker speaking.

Alexis: Oh, hello. My name’s Alexis Draper


We’ve got a meeting on Wednesday, but I’m afraid something’s come to.


Bob: No problem. How if Thursday?


Alexis: Sorry, I can’t make it then. Could we meet on Friday


at eleven?

Bob: That’s OK to me.


Alexis: Good. So I’ll see you on Friday. ________________________ 45

Bob: OK then, Bye.

Alexis: Bye.

C Complete the conversation using the sentences (a–e).

Woman: Hello Boris. Nice to see you again.

Man: __________________________________________________46

Woman: __________________________________________________47

Man: __________________________________________________48

Woman: Oh yes. Maxlite manufactures bags, doesn’t it?

Man: __________________________________________________49

Woman: __________________________________________________50

Man: Thanks very much – I will.

a) I’m working there at the moment. Let me give you my card. Give me a call when you are in London next.

b) Not too bad, thanks. Where are you working these days?

c) I’m with Maxlite. I’m in the sales department.

d) You too! How are you?

e) That’s right. We’ve got branches throughout the UK, so I’m hoping to work in London at some point.


Complete the sentences using the correct alternatives.

51 What is Janice’s management ________________?

a) style b) way c) type

52 I’m working on a new research ________________

a) field b) project c) policy

53 I’ve heard our company is going to ________________ with PTL Limited.

a) merge b) acquire c) expand

54 We need to ________________ the layout of our department.

a) reorganise b) regulate c) relocate

55 I wouldn’t say they were cheap, but the CDs were certainly good________________

a) cost b) price c) value for money

56 We’ve discovered a complete lack of brand- ________________ among our target customers.

a) stretching b) awareness c) force

57 Expect ________________ on this service of up to 2 hours.

a) delays b) seats c) overbooking

58 The business has twelve retail ________________ in London.

a) subsidiaries b) outlets c) warehouses

59 Millers is a very ________________ company. I can’t see it ever modernising the way it operates.

a) conservative b) dynamic c) progressive

60 I’m working on a new campaign to ________________ our new product range.

a) promote b) move c) relocate

61 I work in a large department ________________.

a) store b) kiosk c) warehouse

62 In order to get a new job, I need to ________________.

a) retrain b) retail c) relaunch

63 Shall we walk upstairs or take the ________________?

a) subway b) lift c) left

64 I don’t ___________ with you at all.

a) complain b) criticise c) agree

65 Shop at Davey’s – we stand for ___________ and reliability.

a) quantity b) quality c) standard


A You have received the following e-mail. Write a short reply (40 to 50 words). Include the following points:

• thank Mandy for the invitation

• explain that you are not available for the meeting as you are on a course

• accept the lunch invitation and arrange a time and date

Paul Healey


Project Meeting

Dear Paul

I just wanted to check you’re available for the project meeting on December 19 at 14.30. Do you fancy lunch sometime next week? We could go to Brown’s, the new place in the town centre perhaps? I’ve attached a copy of their menu.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1932. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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