1. BOAD - West African Development Bank 2. BSTDB - Black Sea Trade and Development Bank 3. CABEI - Central American Bank for Economic Integration 4. CAF - Corporación Andina de Fomento 5. CDB - Caribbean Development Bank 6. CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States 7. EADB - East African Development Bank 8. EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 9. EC - European Commission 10. ECSC - European Coal and Steel Community 11. EDB - Eurasian Development Bank 12. EEC - European Economic Community 13. EU - European Union 14. G8 – great eight 15. GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 16. GDP - gross domestic product 17. IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 18. IDA - International Development Association 19. IDB - Islamic Development Bank 20. IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development 21. IFC - International Finance Corporation 22. IFFIm - International Finance Facility for Immunisation 23. IFIs - International financial institutions 24. IMF - International Monetary Fund 25. MDB - multilateral development bank 26. MFN - most favoured nation 27. NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization 28. NIB - Nordic Investment Bank 29. NV (FMO) - Nederlandse Financieringsmaatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden 30. OIC - Organization of Islamic Cooperation 31. OPEC Fund - OPEC Fund for International Development 32. OSCE - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe 33. TPRM - Trade Policy Review Mechanism 34. UN - United Nations 35. UNGA - United Nations General Assembly 36. UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund 37. WBG - World Bank Group 38. WFP - World Food Programme 39. WHO - World Health Organization 40. WTO - World Trade Organization 41. WW - World War