Text 15. International conferences
In the course of the twentieth century diplomacy has undergone enormous transformations. At its beginning diplomacy was still the art of conducting bilateral relations between states as an alternative to violent confrontation. Over recent years, as the range of international business has increased, conference diplomacy was still the art of conducting bilateral relations between states as an alternative to violent confrontation. Over recent years, as the range of international business has increased, conference diplomacy has also become more refined, like diplomacy in all its forms, adapted to changing situations. International conferences can be classified in a number of ways. They may be: · bilateral or multilateral; · single-subject or multi-subject; · ad hoc or regular. International conferences may also be classified in terms of the objectives that they set out to achieve. The main objective of conferences is to discuss problems and find solutions that are so far as possible acceptable to all participants. Conferences can be divided into three general categories: those that are completely open and to which the public and media are invited; those that are completely closed, the public and the media being provided with a final communiqué agreed by the participants; and those that are limited to the participating members, the public and the media being informed by individual participants by means of press conferences and other forms of publicity. International conference may be compared with the football match, where the interplay of skills and techniques between professional players each seeking to gain the maximum advantage, is displayed. And the game must be played according to the rules. These rules must be observed and accepted by all the participants. In this game a great role is played by the presiding officer. That’s why, he must be fair, firm, well aware of the rules of procedure, and very sensitive; not to mention monumental patience and, at times, self-restraint. By custom, the head of the host state usually chairs the conference, and therefore has a greater degree of control over the agenda.