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A voyage to Lilliput

My name is Gulliver and when I was a young man, I went travelling. I joined a ship and sailed to the islands of the South Pacific. It was a brilliant voyage at first. We sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. But one day there was a terrible storm and I fell into the water. Finally I swam to an island. I walked on the beach and looked around me. There were no people and no houses. I was very tired, so I fell asleep on the sand.

When I woke up in the morning, I couldn’t move. I was lying on my back and my arms and my legs were tied to the ground. I was very hot in the sun and I was frightened. Suddenly I saw a very small man. He was about 15 cm tall and he was walking and he was walking on my leg! Then I saw lots of small men on my arms and my legs. I shouted and, in surprise, the men fell off my body. Then I spoke to them in English. They didn’t understand my language, but they saw that I was friendly.

I pointed at my mouth to show I was hungry and they brought me some food. Their food was normal, but it was very, very small. I ate lots of tiny loaves of bread and lots of tiny pieces of cheese and a lot of meat. I finished my meal and then hundreds of men and thousands of horses carried me to their city. It was a very long journey.

When I arrived at the city, I looked around me. The houses were smaller than my feet and I was bigger than the trees. The king and the people were kind to me, so I stayed on the island. I learnt that I was in Lilliput and I learnt their language. I played with their children and gave them presents such as my watch and some coins. These things were enormous for them. Eventually, I left the city and travelled again.


Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1. Where did Gulliver sail?

2. What happened to Gulliver when he fell asleep?

3. Where did small men carry Gulliver?

4. What did Gulliver present them?

5. Did Gulliver travel to this city again?

Exercise 3. Read and practice saying the rhyme “What a busy week it is!”

I went to the cinema last night,

Last night, last night.

I went to the cinema last night.

What a busy week it is!

It was my birthday yesterday, …

I had a party two days ago, …

And today my friend are coming to play,

Coming to play, coming to play.

And today my friends are coming to play.

What a busy week it is!


Exercise 4. Look at the pictures of Sally and make sentences using the regular verbs in the box:

fly get have leave drive arrive park go have go wait depart arrive take

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 2376. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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