Assignments for stylistic analysis. 1. Define the style of the extract, prove your point of view.
1. Define the style of the extract, prove your point of view. 2. State a) the basic theme; b) the central idea of the letter. 3. Decide what prevails in the text - description or narration; what person (1*/3*) presentation the text is and how it influences the reader's perception of the idea. 4. Does the text have a simple, or complex, or intricate plot? 5. Is the setting of the events realistic/ historical/ fantastic/ exotic/ rural? 6. Prove whether the interrogative sentence is a rhetoric question or not. 7. Are the phenomena in the text described as long in duration, constant, or reccurent? How is this realised in the sentence structure? Is the sentence simple or composite? Is enumeration homogeneous or heterogeneous? Are the enumerated components joined by means of asyndeton or polysyndeton? What is the stylistic effect of this?
8. Determine whether there is or there is not any text segmentation. 9. Decide and explain whether the tone of the text is formal/ semiformal/ tnformal/ conversational/ casual/ sympathetic/ cheerful/ vigorous/ serious/ humorous/ mock-serious/ lyrical/ dramatic/ excited/ agitated/ passionate/ impassive/ detached/ matter-of-fact/ dry/ impartial/ melancholy/ moralising/ unemotional/ pathetic/ sarcastic/ ironical/ sneering/ bitter/ reproachful, etc. 10. Enumerate and prove by illustration what of these phonetic stylistic
11. Define the rhythm of the text. 12. Say whether all the enumerated components present onomatopoeia What is the stylistic function of this? 13. What stylistic effect does the adjective "quiet" have in the text? What stylistic device(s) is/are represented in this element? 14. Decide if the text has the climax and the denouement. 15. In conclusion, explain how the expressive means and stylistic devices characterize the protagonist and the situation.