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Ex. 11. Recast the following using verbs with the prefix "re-". Make other necessary changes.


Model: He had to write the exercise again.

He had to rewrite the exercise.


1. The secretary read the letter a second time. 2. To our disappointment the job had to be done over again. 3. The girl seems to have liked the book so much that she read it over three times at least. 4. As the man told the story again, he added a few details. 5. We felt very much in debt to the old man for his kindness and understanding and wondered how we could pay him back. 6. My friend went away promising to join us again later in the evening. 7. In a few moments the sun appeared again from behind the clouds. 8. She arranged the flowers on the table in a different way.

Ex. 12. Recast the following using verbs instead of the nouns in bold type. Make all necessary changes.


1. He thought to himself that he should have taken the risk. 2. They all made a rush for the bus. 3. I don't like this fruit, it has a bitter taste. 4. He had made excel lent use of the material and his article on the subject was a pleasure to read. 5. No mention was ever made of that particular incident. 6. A careful search of the room had been made but nothing was found. 7. He had his measure taken for a new suit of clothes. 8. What was the end of the story? 9. He said it in a whisper and I didn't catch the exact words. 10. The coat was a perfect fit. 11. The man gave us an indifferent stare.

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions, expressing disagreement with the speaker and using in a) words opposite in meaning to those given in bold type, in b) antonyms with the appropriate negative prefix (un-, dis-).


a) 1. Did she accept the invitation? 2. Did you manage to catch the last bus yesterday? 3. I hear your team lost the game. Is that right? 4. Should I take part in the climb? Won't it do harm to my heart? 5. Did you manage to finish the work in time? 6. How did she take the news? Did she take it badly? 7. Is the fellow easy to deal with? 8. Is a journey along those roads risky?

b) 1. Do you think it reasonable to spend money on things you can't afford? 2. Was he certain about the time and place of the meeting? 3. Was he satisfied with the arrangement? 4. Is the food at the place fit to eat?

Ex. 14. Give English equivalents for the Russian words.


1. a) For some reason or other he failed to give а (прямой) answer to the Question, b) When they heard the bell they rose and passed (прямo) into the hall. 2. a) It was a rather (продолжительный) visit, b) He had waited (долго) for this chance. 3. a) Shopping is always а (тяжелая) job for me. b) We never expected him to take the refusal so (тяжело). 4. a) Have you any (близкие) relatives in Moscow? b) I'll be needing you, stay somewhere (близко). 5. a) They started off (поздно), b) They couldn't even think of going there at such а (поздний) hour.

Ex. 15. Complete the following choosing the right word in the brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. a) He seems to be working.... b) She was beside herself with excitement and could... say a word. (hard, hardly) 2. a) Why not walk there? He lives quite.... b) He... broke his leg when he fell down the steps, (near, nearly) 3. a) What are you doing here so...? b) What have you been doing with yourself...? (late, lately) 4. a) They left... before our arrival, b) She wears her hair.... (short, shortly) 5. a) He is said to be a promising engineer. He is... spoken of. b) Hold your head..., you have nothing to be ashamed of. (high, highly) 6. a) She was... touched by their kind attention, b) He went... into the subject, (deep, deeply) 7. a) He opened his eyes... when I told him about it. b) This method is... used in indushy;.(wide, widely) 8. a) The lecture began at eleven o'clock.... b) "Don't disturb me any more," he said.... (sharp, sharply).


Ex. 16. Give words of the same root in Russian. Compare the meaning.


situation, chance, partner, surprise, risk, instructions, service, satisfaction, manager, business


Ex. 17. Give the meaning of the words in bold type, note the effect of the adverbial particle. Say which phrase is used literally and which has a figurative meaning. Give your own examples.


1. a) The boy hurried off and a second later Danny was trying on a blue jacket, b) He was told to hurry up if he didn't want to be left behind. 2. a) She paid the money, picked up the parcel and disappeared through the door. b) He seems to have picked up the wrong accent, rather difficult to get rid of now. c) There were so many tasty things on the table! After some careful thinking the boy picked out a big red apple. d) Nobody knew how he happened to be picked out for the job 3. a) She came up and smiled, b) The problem is sure to come up sooner or later. 4. a) The boy tore off a piece of paper but it was too small to wrap the book. b) She tore out a sheet from her notebook and sat down to write a hurried note. c) He tore up the letter without reading it. 5. a) He seems to have paid off his debts at last. b) He was warned that if he didn't pay up by a certain day he would be getting into trouble. 6. a) He broke off the end of the stick. Now it seemed to be the right length, b) They broke off to have tea.

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