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Complex Subject


1. with the verbs "to seem", "to appear"*

Ex. 21. Study the following chart, translate the sentences into Russian.

He seems appears to read a lot (His knowledge is/was surprising). to be reading something funny. (Look at him. He is smiling all the time. As he read he was smiling all the time). to have read the letter already (He looks/looked sad). to have been reading since morning (for a whole day, etc.). to be given information regularly. to have been toldthe news.
seemed appeared

Ex. 22. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the infinitive, translate the sentences into Russian.


1. He seems... books tor a whole hour (to choose). 2. He didn't an­swer at once. He seemed... his Unoai. (j.o clear). 3. You always seem... your things all around the place (to leave). 4. She looks sad. She appears... the news (to learn). 5. She didn't seem... at me but at somebody be­hind (to look). 6. She heard the remark, but she didn't appear... (to hurt). 7. He appears... the same suit the whole year (to wear). 8. She didn't seem... in the problem (to interest). 9. He seems... with his new job (to fail). 10. The letter doesn't seem... him (to reach). 11. They seem... this method for years (to use). 12. Why did he rush away so suddenly? He seems... some business to attend to (to have).


Ex. 23. Paraphrase the following sentences using a complex subject according to the model

M o d e l: (a) It seems (appears) that she knows everything about it.

She seems (appears) to know everything about it.

(b) He apparently* did not know it.

He didn't seem (appear) to know it.


1. He was apparently enjoying the concert. 2. It seemed that he had lost interest in the subject. 3. Apparently he was particular about his food. 4. It seemed that the house hadn't been lived in for a long time. 5. It seemed that she had never tasted this fruit. 6. It appeared that they were hardly able to make both ends meet. 7. It doesn't seem that custom­ers are served here properly. 8. It seems that he has been collecting stamps since he was a boy. 9. He was silent for a moment. It seemed that he was searching his memory. 10. It appears that he is not fit for the job. 11. It seems that you have been working hard lately. 12. Appar­ently they didn't notice us. 13. It seemed that she had managed the job well enough. 14. It seemed that they were all talking at once. 15. It seemed that there was no risk in asking him the question. 16. It appeared that he had been approached on the subject. 17. It seemed that the job was risky.


Ex. 24. Translate the following sentences using a complex subject with the verbs "to seem" or "to appear";.


1. Все, казалось, было в полном порядке. 2. Кажется, ее брат копит деньги на автомашину. 3. Похоже на то, что они использова­ли эти сведения. 4. Он долго молчал. По-видимому он был потрясен новостью. 5. Похоже на то, что этот факт уже был упомянут. 6. Она, кажется, очень привередлива в еде. 7. Его родители, по-видимому, живут здесь давно. 8. Кажется, она посещала все лекции. 9. У нее, по-видимому, хороший вкус. 10. Вероятно, преподаватель был не­удовлетворен ее ответом. 11. Мне кажется, что я где-то уже слышал это имя. 12. По-видимому, этот костюм был сделан на заказ. Он очень хорошо сидит на нем. 13. Я что-то не помню вас. 14. Кажется, она перемерила десять костюмов, и ни один, по-видимому, не годится ей. 15. Похоже на то, что он опять не сдал экзамен. 16. Казалось, в доме никого не было. 17. Врач не сразу ответил. Казалось, он подыскивал нужные слова.

Ex. 25. Answer the following questions according to the model.


M o d e l I. Does this coat fit you?

(a) It seems (appears) to. It seems (appears) to fit me very well.

(b) It doesn't seem (appear) to. It doesn't seem to fit me at all.


1. Does he remember her? 2. Was he satisfied with your report? 3. Have you heard of him before? 4. Was there any risk in giving him this job? 5. Is he easy to deal with? 6. Did I upset your plans? 7. Does she know7 how to deal with the situation? 8. Is he particular about what he wears? 9. He wasn't easy to deal with, was he?

M o d e l II. Why don't people want to work with him?

(to be hard to deal with)

He seems (appears) to be hard to deal with.


1. Why wasn't he listening attentively to what the speaker was say­ing? (not to be interested in the subject) 2. Why did she buy a blue dress? (to be her colour) 3. Why did he fail in history? (not to attend the lectures) 4. Why does she look so pale? (not to be well) 5. Why didn't he buy the picture? (not to be in his taste) 6. Why did they raise this question? (to be mentioned by somebody)


2. with the verb "to happen"*


Ex. 26. Paraphrase the following sentences using a complex subject with the verb "to happen";.


Model: (a) It so happened that I was out when he called.

I happened to be out when he called.

(b) We were there by chance. We happened to be there.


1. It so happened that I took the wrong turning. 2. Do you, by any chance, know where I can find him? 3. It so happened that I had no money on me. 4. We were quite by chance picked up by a passing car. 5. It so happened that they missed the five о'clock train. 6. Do you, by any chance, know where such things are sold? 7. It so happened that they picked the wrong person for the job. 8. It so happened that the book dealt with a problem that interested me very much.


Ex. 27. Translate the following sentences using a complex subject with the verb "to happen".


1. Вы, случайно, не знаете причину его отсутствия? 2. Нам уже случалось иметь дело с такими людьми. 3. Мы случайно встретились с ним незадолго до его болезни. 4. Случилось так, что они останови­лись в той же гостинице. 5. Если вы случайно встретите его, скажите ему, что он мне очень нужен. 6. Случилось так, что мы попали под дождь и промокли до нитки. 7. Однажды нам довелось попасть в метро в часы пик. Мы с трудом выбрались.


3. with the verb "to turn out"*

Ex. 28. Complete the following sentences using a complex subject with the verb "to turn out" (make use of the list in tne right-hand column).


M o d e l: They picked him for the job but he...

but he turned out to be quite unfit for it.


1. The parcel was wrapped in what I thought to be a newspaper, but when I opened it, it.... 2. They had been looking forward to the party but when it came, it.... 3. The parents were against their marriage but the man.... 4. They employed him for the job and he.... 5. At first nobody liked him but he.... 6. She bought me the coat not being sure of the size, but it.... 7. I couldn't get him on the telephone, it.... 8. I didn't expect much from the film but it.... 9. He had always been proud of the picture but it.... 10. We took what we thought the shortest way, but it....   to be exactly my size, to be the best clerk they had ever had, to be an ideal husband for their daughter, to be dull and un-interesting, to be out of order, to be the longer, to be a page from a magazine, to be worthless, to be a nice person, to be quite thrilling


I. Ex. 29. Translate the following sentences using a complex subject withthe verb "to turn out";.


l. Bce думали, что он просто простудился, а болезнь оказалась серьезной. 2. Деревня, где мы решили провести отпуск, оказалась тихим и милым уголком. 3. Он поехал на юг, но климат оказался вред­ным для его здоровья. 4. Книга оказалась такой интересной, что я прочел ее в один день. 5. Гостиница, где мы остановились, оказалась очень комфортабельной. 6. Мои новые соседи оказались очень прият­ными людьми. 7. Язык книги оказался трудным, и он не смог прочи­тать ее. 8. Его подход к решению проблемы оказался более простым. 9. Его ответ оказался правильным.

4. with the phrases "to be sure (certain)", to be (un)likely"*


Ex. 30. Paraphrase the following sentences using a complex subject with the phrase "to be sure/certain", "to be (un)likely";.


M o d e l: (a) He surely (certainly) will go hunting.

He is sure to go hunting.

(b) It is not very likely that he will come in time.

He is not likely (is unlikely) to come in time.


1. It was not likely that he would take the risk. 2. Is it likely that t will rain today? 3. The firm has a new rush of orders. It is certain that the management will employ more people to do the work. 4. Surely a washing machine in the house will save a lot of time and effort. 5. It's likely that the mild climate of Estonia will do him a lot of good. 6. Surely he is easy to deal with. 7. It was unlikely that this wet weather would keep long. 8. It's certain that they have made use of this information. 9. Surely the teacher will be satisfied with your report. 10. It's most unlikely that you will find her in at this hour.

Ex. 31. Answer the following questions using a complex subject accord­ing to the model, make use of the suggestions in brackets. Give your reasons.


M o d e l: Do you think Peter will come in time? (to be sure to)

He is sure to. Peter is sure to come in time. Don't you know

Peter? He is so punctual.


1. Do you think the weather will change for the better? (to be unlikely) 2. Do you think she knows him well enough to turn to him for help? (not to seem; to happen) 3. Do you think the management will employ more people to do the work? (to be likely) 4. Do you think she is saving money for a vacation at the sea side? (to be certain) 5. Do you suppose she has seen the doctor already? (to seem) 6. Do you believe size 48 will fit him? (to be likely) 7. Do you think he is hard to deal with? (to appear) 8. Do you believe he will come to pick us up in his car? (to be likely)

Ex. 32. Translate the following sentences using a complex subject.


1. Если вы не поторопитесь, вы, наверняка, попадете в часы пик. 2. Вряд ли разумный человек пойдет на такой риск. 3. Он, наверня­ка, знает, как вести себя в подобных ситуациях. 4. Вероятно, старший инженер уйдет с этой работы. Он не находит ее достаточно интерес­ной. 5. Вряд ли вы ее застанете дома в это время. 6. Докладчик, на­верняка, использует эти факты в своем выступлении. 7. Наверняка, пальто будет ей впору. 8. Она придает большое значение одежде. Вряд ли она будет покупать готовые вещи. 9. Вы, непременно, най­дете там новых друзей.

5. with the verbs "to make, to tell, to order, to allow"*


Ex. 33. Paraphrase the following sentences using a complex subject according to the model.


M o d e l: They made him understand that his behaviour was not too nice.

He was made to understand that his behaviour was not too nice.


1. They made him fill up a form. 2. The teacher ordered the children to leave the boy alone. 3. They never allowed us to play noisy games. 4. They told us to follow the instructions carefully. 5. I never had a minute to myself. Mother always made me look after the younger broth­ers and sisters. 6. They will allow us to leave as soon as we finish our compositions. 7. She ordered the children to go to bed. 8. The boatman told the young people to be very careful while crossing the lake.

Ex. 34. Translate the following sentences into English using a complex subject with the verbs "to make, to tell, to order, to allow";.


1. Маленьким детям не разрешается смотреть телевизор после восьми часов. 2. Его нужно заставить заниматься музыкой более серьезно. 3. Нас попросили (нам велели) остаться до конца собрания. 4. Студентам не разрешается курить в классных аудиториях. 5. Им было приказано вернуться немедленно. 6. Ему разрешили просмот­реть все книги на полках, и он нашел то, что искал. 7. Ее заставили изменить свое решение.

6. with the verbs "to know, to believe, to suppose, to expect, to say, to report"*

Ex. 35. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the way the complex subject is translated.


1. This small town is known to have once been the capital of the country. 2. The storm is reported to be moving South. 3. They are sup­posed to know these things. 4. She is known to be particular about her looks. 5. The new secretary is expected to save us a lot of trouble. 6. The lakes there are believed to be full of fish. 7. She is said to have once been a beautiful woman. 8. The first performance of Chekhov's "Sea­gull" («Чайка») is known to have been a failure. 9. It was believed to be a turning point in his career. 10. The delegation is reported to have arrived. 11. She is supposed to deal with such things. 12. He is said to be a great admirer of modern art. 13. The prices in Great Britain are reported to have risen again. 14. He is said to have once risked his life to save somebody. 15. He was not expected to take any risks.


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