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EXERCISES IN LEXICOLOGY. Ex. 9. Study the following sentences

Ex. 9. Study the following sentences. Give the meaning of the prefix "fore-";.

1. He had a nasty fall and put out his forearm. 2. The boy pointed at the map with his forefinger. 3. The horse slipped on the ice and broke its foreleg. 4. His forehead was heavily lined. 5. Judging by the foreword the book promises to be interesting. 6. Having been forewarned about the change in the arrangement he rearranged his time-table. 7. Have you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow? 8. It's his fault that the project failed. He ought to have foreseen the difficulties. 9. The results were easy to foretell. 10. If you had had more foresight, you would have saved yourself a lot of trouble. 11. The work of the builders' team was directed by a foreman.


Ex. 10. Recast using verbs instead, of nouns with the suffix "-ment". Make other necessary changes.

1. The establishment of business contacts between the Soviet Union and Great Britain took place in 1924. 2. They all agreed to the post-ponement of the experiment till a later date. 3. The payment for the goods was to be made by the buyers within fifteen days after signing the contract. 4. How long does the development of a photographic film take? 5. Schoolboys usually take great enjoyment in reading science fiction. 6. The failure of the business was due to improper management. 7. His appointment as head of the department came as a surprise to many of us. 8. It did not take them long to come to an agreement about the most important question under discussion.


Ex. 11. Paraphrase the following sentences using a noun instead of an adjective. Make other necessary changes.

M o d e l: They were convinced that the decision was important.

They were convinced of the importance of the decision.

1. The professor was convinced that the operation was necessary. 2. The members of the expedition were convinced that the discovery they had made was important. 3. I am firmly convinced that he is an honest person. 4. Are you convinced that the experiment will be suc­cessful? 5. He was convinced that the argument was useless. 6. They were convinced that the conclusions they had drawn were correct.


Ex. 12. Give words of the same root in Russian. Compare the meaning.

observatory, fix, radio-active, substance, serious, exposition, radia­tion, control, protection, reactor, atomic, transform, naturally, actual­ly, pause, fatal, dose, container, trick.


Ex. 13. In the following groups of sentences compare the meaning of the words in bold type. Translate the sentences into Russian. Give your own examples.

A. 1-а) The boy looked up to watch the plane going out of sight. b) The Browns are old friends of the family and my brother could not have left town without looking them up. 2. a) There was little sense in putting off what had to be done. b) It must have been the responsibility going with the appointment that put him off. 3. a) The man moved up and I took my seat beside him. b) On the way home he wondered if they would dare to move Nicholls up over his head. 4. a) On finishing school he gave away all his textbooks saying he had no further use for them. b) We guessed he was an American. It was his accent that gave him away. 5. a) In the end I found out what was wrong with my TV set. b) Being convinced that we would never find him out, he went on practising his little jokes on us.

B. 1. a) He said he had caught an enormous fish but it got away. b) He's constantly missing classes. It's a wonder how he manages to get away with it. 2. a) We had already crossed the river and were well into the forest when he caught up. b) He had missed a whole term and would have to work hard to catch up with the class. 3. a) I could tell by the look in his eye that he was fed up. b) We were all fed up with this wet weather.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 1176. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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