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The cause of all ills and sins of mankind lies in the metabolism of the human organism. The human body – is a legacy of the animal kingdom. We, the people, have to constantly collect the fruits of plants and killing animals for subsistence, as not able to synthesize macromolecular complexes from carbon dioxide and water, as do plants.

In today's world, money is a symbol of food. The availability of money is equated to the presence of food. This means that this person will live. Lack of money means no food that symbolizes death. Money - this is the scoring system, by which people evaluate each other's work.

People, who are not involved in farming or herding, separated from natural food sources. Mostly, they are the townspeople. For them, money is the central motivation of their lives, as it is - the main condition of their survival. Following the instinct of self-preservation, these people seek to get (earn) as much money. Otherwise - death or hungry, miserable existence. Some do not neglect such methods "of earnings" as robbery and theft. Often they are accompanied by murders. The pursuit of money is exhausting, but vital. People want to live. And live with securely and comfortably, without feeling anxiety about food and shelter for tomorrow day. People plan their lives, as opposed to animals, very carefully. In addition in people there are the beginnings of altruistic behavior - a care of their own kind (although all in varying degrees). Hence it is such a complex socio-economic structure of human society.

Rural residents are not so dependent on money as townspeople. Money, as opposed to agricultural products, is multifunctional. It can be exchanged for any "benefits of civilization", while with the fruits of plants and animal carcasses to make it more difficult. Typically, in areas where the plants are grown and animals are bred in people an excess of these products. Therefore, the exchanging between each other just does not happen - there is no one to sell.

At the same time these people need products of artisans who live in cities. And the townspeople themselves in dire need of agricultural products and almost no need in the goods the same as they are, artisans.

As a result, money has become the greatest boon, allowing each worker to acquire what he needs at the moment. Therefore, it must be admitted that the money give everyone freedom.

The spectrum of human needs is gradually increasing due to appearance of "spiritual needs" in a variety of forms. This means that people are starting to more actively be interested in the meaning of their own existence.

As a result, the creative professions are becoming more and more popular in society - Film, TV, theater, dance art, music, literature, science, art, industry of computer programming, sports shows, and more. We can’t list all. Such modern phenomenon as "show business", sometimes combines all areas of creative thought.

The life of mankind is based on the possession, use, purchase and sale of various types of chemical compounds (resources) and products from them (goods).

"The problem of money," is eternal. Just as the crimes of people for money are eternal. This means that all of this will exist as long as humanity will remain the crown of nature. As soon as in the depths of mankind will blossom the superhumanity, the money problem will gradually recede. And then disappear completely when the number superhumans will large enough.

People will never solve all their problems - not defeat hunger, disease, not resolve the fuel crisis, not get rid of the death. But all this will on forces to representatives of coming after mankind, the fifth superhuman kingdom in nature.

Although solve all human problems they will not habitual for people means. Rather, they will not solve them at all. All these problems simply disappear by themselves. Hunger, disease, lack of fuel and energy, and death - from it all superhumans will be spared, because the metabolism of their organisms will be quite different. The Earth will cease to be their only habitat place.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 547. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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