Animals and people tend to live with the "looking back" - that is, constantly look around for fear of possible attack by predators or competitors for the feeding sites or habitats. In people such behavior manifests itself in a much lesser extent compared with the animals. This is due a more reasonable organization of the human community and more powerful development altruistic features of behavior. To live "looking back" - means to not having stable metabolic state. The body then calms down, then switches to mode "fight or running away". The purpose of spiritual practice – is the developing the ability to move away from the animal and human behavior, and look at the events indifferently, from a position of "observer" without fear in front of others. This means that the person seeks to maintain itself in a cheerful, but not of overexcited state, when both divisions of the ANS - the sympathetic and parasympathetic - are in a state of balance. He appreciates every day residing. In behavior is reflected in the form of a reluctance to follow the "inferior" (early) programs of behavior. As a result there appears reluctance to fight with others, "earn their daily bread". You just want to look at everything, but not to participate, blindly imitating of the crowd. Appear an ability to move away from conflicts. Man as it initially sees the ultimate goal of existence of this world.