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Book 1


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The doctrine of the Master of Trans-Himalayan Esoteric School, Djwhal Khul. The continuation of books of HP Blavatsky and AA Bailey. Synthesis of Science and Religion


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1. Foreword


01. The series of books "Esoteric natural science" - the source of information for it;

02. Why was selected such epigraph;

03. The main purpose of the book;

04. The additional aim of the book – is the analysis of habitual events;

05. Be surprised of the fact of your existence;

06. The crutches of humanity;

07. Money. The problems of humanity;

08. The life after death;

09. The purpose of the spiritual practices;

10. The dream of anyone man;

11. In what appears of people mastery;

12. Additional information;

13. The gratitude to my family and friends.


2. The Part 1. All sides of the Absolute (God, Creator, Thinking Substance)


01. The Main "Actors" of occultism;

02. The act of creation (short version);

03. The Matter is the first aspect of Absolute (Thinking Substance);

04. Spirit, Father, Light, Fire, Mind, Logos, Thought, Christ, Osiris, Buddha, Energy, Ether, Akasha, Impulse, Fohat;

05. The Space is Creator. Dispute between Newton and Einstein;

06. The Spirit - that is an Ether, Energy, Information. The Soul – is an elementary particle;

07. The Soul – is the Third Hypostasis. The mechanism of manifestation (creation);

08. Comments to the Book of Dzyan (Stanzas Dzyan was taken from volume 1 of "The Secret Doctrine" of HP Blavatsky);

09. The structure and the quality of elementary particles (Souls). Yin and Yang;

10. The principles of behavior of the Ether (Energy-Information);

11. The Fields of Attraction and Repulsion – the outward manifestation of the quality of elementary particles;

12. The difference between creation of the Ether and emission, as well as between destruction and absorption;

13. The triple meaning of concepts "Matter" and "Spirit";

14. Shiva and Brahma, Cain and Abel, Destroyers and Creators;

15. Seven Plans – these are totalities of elementary particles;

16. Seven Rays, Seven Brothers, Seven Sephirots, Seven Rishis, Seven Sons, Seven Spirits, Seven Principles - all these are seven types of Souls (elementary particles);

17. Conformity of 7 Rays to 7 colors;

18. "49 Lights of Brahma";

19. The Classification of particles by elements;

20. Seven Hierarchies;

21. A memory of elementary particle, consciousness of Atom, Akashic records, karma;

22. The Law of Identity "I" with "Non-I". Why do we incarnate;

23. Dive into Nirvana. Atonement, Ascension, Salvation, Easter;

24. Apocalypse – is a personal decision of everyone. Agni Yoga. Baptism by Fire;

25. The concepts of time of Newton and Einstein. Parallel worlds;

26. Pralaya and Mahapralaya, Manvantara and Mahamanvantara. Day and Night of Brahma, Inhalation and Exhalation. The Day "Be with us." The Judgment Day, The End of the World;

27. Evolution and Involution. Fall of Lucifer;

28. The Tree of Life. Esoteric symbolism of Nature Kingdoms. The Number of Beast (666), Star of David, Christian Cross and other symbols;

29. Various versions of Universe;

30. The Limitless Ocean;

31. The Ether – is the cause of firmness of elementary particles;

32. The Boundlessness of the Space;

33. So what is outside the infinite Universe?

34. God is everywhere;

35. What is the "Akasha"?

36. Buddha and Christ – are the symbols of Spirit;

37. The Holy Grail;

38. Christ and Antichrist, Heaven and Hell;

39. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;

40. The Baptism by Water and by Fire;

41. Rupa and Arupa, forms and formlessness;

42. Chakras – closed and open. The mechanism of initiation and goal of evolution (briefly);

43. The Initiations of 4 elements;

44. The parable about Adam and Eve.



Preparing to enter the books on English: "Ethereal Mechanics", "Astronomy and Cosmology", "The Mechanics of bodies", "Optics", "Biology (and questions Breatharianism)", "Thermodynamics", "Electromagnetism", "astrology", "Chemistry".

Official website: http://newezo.ru

E-mail: danina.t@yandex.u

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tatiana.danina

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TatianaDanina1

Where to buy in print (only in Russian yet):




“I do not invent hypotheses”

Isaac Newton

“Memento mori”
the famous phrase

“When we say that we live on Earth, this expresses our delusions of grandeur. Earth allegedly belongs to us, it is ours, we are its owners. But this is nonsense. Our world – is a thin layer around the globe, height about seven kilometers, deep, where the sea, five - in general, the twelve kilometer layer.”

F. Boshke, "Unknown";

“And death shall have no dominion”

Dylan Thomas, Welsh poet

“... it is the customary fate of new truths to begin as heresies and to end as superstitions”

Thomas Henry Huxley

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