Monadic, first.
From the Physical Plan to the Monadic in the particles gradually reduce the amount of Ether, vanishing per unit of time. In other words, the speed of destruction of the Ether decreases. If we consider the listed Plans in the form of scale, each division, pointing to the certain value of the rate of destruction of the Ether matches three types of particles having different speed of creation. These three types of particles correspond to the three primary colors - blue, yellow and red. In esoteric sources is indicated that Plans are not six, and seven. We say that Plans are six. How to explain this discrepancy? It's very simple. There is no discrepancy. Plans are really only seven, not six. Only six of these plans that just be called are simple. Seventh Plan – is comprehensive, Logoic. This is the only Plan, which is a "mixture" of the particles of all six simple Plans. It consists of organized systems formed by Souls (elementary particles) of varying quality. The simplest representatives of the Logoic Plan are the chemical elements of the vegetable kingdom. And why is not the mineral, for example? Yes, because the chemical elements of the mineral kingdom contain the elementary particles of only one plan - Physical. How to determine where one Plan ends and the other begins? We consider that theoretically make it pretty easy. First, you need to build the scale of the speed of destruction of the Ether for all existing particles in the Universe. Thereafter, this range should be divided into six equal parts. That part of the range, where the speed will be the highest, corresponds to the sixth, the Physical Plan. The lowest speed of destruction corresponds to the Monadic Plan, the first one. The remaining four Plans are located between these two.