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Vishnu corresponds to the sattva-guna. It is checked Bhrigu Muni kicking the Vishnu by foot in the chest. This not put Vishnu out of balance, and the Brahma manifested Raja and Shiva - Tama-guna... So is narrated in the Hindu texts.

Vishnu (Sanskrit" comprehensive") - in Hinduism is one of the most important and most revered gods; with Shiva and Brahma, he was a divine triad, Trimurti: Vishnu – is the keeper of the Universe, majestic and terrible at the same time, but less formidable than Shiva. Vaishnavites, devotees of Vishnu, consider him the supreme god - one of his epithets - "supreme god". The Hindu concept of the "Absolute" or the ultimate reality Brahman is sometimes depicted as Vishnu. According to one of the myths from the navel of Vishnu emerged the lotus flower - and seated in the center of the flower Brahma began the act of creation.

The very name “Shiva” emerged as one of the euphemistic epithet of Rudra, developed in order to propitiate the terrible God, but hereinafter the “Rudra” became an epithet of Shiva. Residence of Rudra is in the north, away from the other gods, correlated with the East, explains the interpretation of the deity as an alien (despite the fact that he was considered the father of the gods of the storm of Maruts) to the "staff" of the Vedic gods. About the complexity of his inclusion in the main Hindu pantheon indirectly indicates the legend of the destruction by him of Daksha's sacrifice - a legend which, according to some assumptions, was the subject of early Indian ritual drama-Natak. According to this legend (Mahabharata, Vishnu Purana, Vayu Purana), when the deity of Aditya the Daksha performs a sacrifice to the Himalayas, having invited to a feast all the gods, except Rudra-Shiva, the last with his "horde" arranged pogrom and destroy the victim, and agrees to restore it only when he will receive a share due to him. Having achieved his Shiva enters into the supreme pantheon, occupying there gradually all the higher place and pushing into the background many of the major.

So Vishnu – is the preserver of the universe, Brahma - the creator, Shiva - the destroyer.

Vishnu – is Sattva, Brahma (Brahman) – Rajas, Shiva - Tamas.

As we have said, the Matter, the Spirit and the Soul - are indoubt concepts in the occult.

On the one hand, they serve as the definitions to the global categories as the Original Substance (the Matter), its altered state (the Spirit) and elementary particles (Souls).

On the other hand, Matter, Spirit and Soul - these are concepts that are used to characterize the quality of the particles and their organized systems - representatives of the various Kingdoms of Nature.

The particles absorbing the Spirit (Ether), referred to as the "Matter" and emitting the Spirit (Ether) and will be called the "Spirit".

Accordingly, conglomerates of Souls, in which are dominated the particles of the type "Matter" from the point of view of the occult, should be called by the Matter. From the position of the Hun, they have a tamasic nature.

Bodies, in which is dominated the particles of the type " Spirit ", should be called by the Spirit. From the position of the Hun, their nature is rajasic.

As for the bodies in which the particles of both types equally, they just should be attributed to the type of " Soul ". This will be true sattva, i.e. the harmony of Rajas and Tamas.

Thus, the Trimurti of Hinduism - Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu - the three of the Godhead, which embody the Force Center in terms of their quality. The particles and the bodies formed by them - Tamas, Rajas and Sattva.

Vishnu – is the Deity of harmony - the Bodhisattva.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 516. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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