Ray 1 corresponds to red, Ray 2 - yellow, Ray 3 - blue.
Besides of the three major rays, there are 4 additional. All four are synthetic. Three of them consist of two colors (Rays), and the fourth - of the six - three major and three additional ones. 5 Ray (Concrete Knowledge or Science) corresponds to the green. It consists of the second and third Rays, of yellow and blue colors. 6 Ray (Devotion or Idealism) – is orange. It consists of yellow and red, of the second and the first Rays. 7 Ray (Order and Ceremonial Magic) – is a purple color. It consists of red and blue colors, of the first and the third Rays. 4 Ray (Harmony through conflict) – it’s a synthetic Ray, a spectrum, a synthesis of all six colors. It composes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple colors, which is nothing else than the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Rays. And in this synthetic 4 Ray the forming it Rays-colors do not blend, each retains its identity.
The quote from "Esoteric Psychology", Volume 1, Alice Bailey: